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Journal Article
Kelly M.A, Lowell T.V, Hall B.L, Schaefer J.M, Finkel R.C, Goehring B.M, Alley R.B, Denton G.H.  2008.  A Be-10 chronology of lateglacial and Holocene mountain glaciation in the Scoresby Sund region, east Greenland: implications for seasonality during lateglacial time. Quaternary Science Reviews. 27(25-26):2273-2282.
Vandergoes M.J, Dieffenbacher-Krall A.C, Newnham R.M, Denton G.H, Blaauw M..  2008.  Cooling and changing seasonality in the Southern Alps, New Zealand during the Antarctic Cold Reversal. Quaternary Science Reviews. 27(5-6):589-601.
Hall B.L, Hoelzel A.R, Baroni C., Denton G.H, Le Boeuf B.J, Overturf B., Topf A.L.  2006.  Holocene elephant seal distribution implies warmer-than-present climate in the Ross Sea. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 103(27):10213-10217.
Hall B.L, Baroni C., Denton G.H.  2004.  Holocene relative sea-level history of the Southern Victoria Land Coast, Antarctica. Global and Planetary Change. 42(1-4):241-263.
Putnam A.E, Schaefer J.M, Barrell D.JA, Vandergoes M., Denton G.H, Kaplan M.R, Finkel R.C, Schwartz R., Goehring B.M, Kelley S.E.  2009.  In situ cosmogenic 10Be production-rate calibration from the Southern Alps, New Zealand. Quaternary Geochronology.
Putnam A.E, Schaefer J.M, Barrell D.JA, Vandergoes M., Denton G.H, Kaplan M.R, Finkel R.C, Schwartz R., Goehring B.M, Kelley S.E.  2010.  In situ cosmogenic (10)Be production-rate calibration from the Southern Alps, New Zealand RID D-4720-2011. Quaternary Geochronology. 5(4):392-409.
Putnam A.E, Schaefer J.M, Barrell D.JA, Vandergoes M., Denton G.H, Kaplan M.R, Finkel R.C, Schwartz R., Goehring B.M, Kelley S.E.  2010.  In situ cosmogenic Be-10 production-rate calibration from the Southern Alps, New Zealand. QUATERNARY GEOCHRONOLOGY. 5:392-409.
Strelin J., Denton G.H.  2006.  Las morenas de Punta Banderas, Lago Argentino. Proceedings of the XVI Congreso Geologico Argentino. CD-ROM(269):6pp..
Hall B.L, Baroni C., Denton G.H.  2008.  The most extensive Holocene advance in the Stauning Alper, East Greenland, occurred in the Little Ice Age. Polar Research. 27(2):128-134.
Denton G.H, Broecker W.S, Alley R.B.  2006.  The mystery interval 1.5 to 14.5 kyrs ago. Pages News. 14:14-16.
Strelin J.A, Denton G.H, Vandergoes M.J, Ninnemann U.S, Putnam A.E.  2011.  Radiocarbon chronology of the late-glacial Puerto Bandera moraines, Southern Patagonian Icefield, Argentina. Quaternary Science Reviews. 30(19-20):2551-2569.
Hall B.L, Baroni C., Denton G.H.  2010.  Relative sea-level changes, Schuchert Dal, East Greenland, with implications for ice extent in late-glacial and Holocene times. Quaternary Science Reviews. 29(25-26):3370-3378.