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L. Xu, Roberts, M. L., Elder, K. L., Hansman, R. L., Gagnon, A. R., and Kurz, M. D., RADIOCARBON IN DISSOLVED CARBON BY UV OXIDATION: AN UPDATE OF PROCEDURES AND BLANK CHARACTERIZATION AT NOSAMSABSTRACT, Radiocarbon, vol. 64, no. 1, pp. 195 - 199, 2022.
L. Xu, Roberts, M. L., Elder, K. L., Kurz, M. D., McNichol, A. P., Reddy, C. M., Ward, C. P., and Hanke, U. M., RADIOCARBON IN DISSOLVED ORGANIC CARBON BY UV OXIDATION: PROCEDURES AND BLANK CHARACTERIZATION AT NOSAMSABSTRACT, Radiocarbon, vol. 63, no. 1, pp. 357 - 374, 2021.
J. Adkins, Radiocarbon in the Atmosphere and Deep Ocean: New Methods and New Data from the Last Glacial Period to the Holocene, XVIII INQUA Congress, 21st–27th July, 2011, Bern, Switzerland, vol. 279–280, p. 11, 2012.
A. P. McNichol, Xu, L., Griffith, D. R., Eglinton, T. I., Macdonald, R., and McLaughlin, F. A., Radiocarbon in the Canada Basin: Carbon Transfer Processes in the Changing Arctic, in Proceedings from the 2010 AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting, 2010.
R. M. Key, Radiocarbon in the North Pacific: What we have learned since GEOSECS, in Seventh Annual PICES Meeting, Fairbanks, AK, 1998.
A. Patrut, Patrut, R. T., Rakosy, L., Rakosy, D., Oliver, W., Ratiu, I. A., Lowy, D. A., Shiimbi, G., Woodborne, S., and von Reden, K. F., Radiocarbon Investigation of the Historic African Baobabs of Omusati, Namibia, Forests, vol. 13, no. 11, p. 1899, 2022.
A. Patrut, Patrut, R. T., Rakosy, L., Ratiu, I. - A., Bodis, J., Nassor, N. Mahmoud, and von Reden, K. F., Radiocarbon investigation of two large African baobabs from Kizimkazi, Zanzibar, Tanzania, Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Chemia, vol. 67, pp. 143–153, 2022.
A. Patrut, Patrut, R. T., Bocos-Bintintan, V., Ratiu, I. A., Rakosy, L., Zdrob, G., Vanca, E., and von Reden, K. F., RADIOCARBON INVESTIGATION OF TWO OLD ELMS FROM ROMANIA, STUDIA UNIVERSITATIS BABES-BOLYAI CHEMIA, vol. 67, no. 1, pp. 245 - 256, 2022.
B. E. Longworth, Burton, J. R., Pendleton, S. L., Moser, S. D., Roberts, M. L., and Kurz, M. D., Radiocarbon measurement of CO2 from carbonate minerals using a hybrid gas ion source with an open split interface, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, vol. 531, pp. 49–55, 2022.
R. M. Key and McNichol, A., Radiocarbon Measurements in the Indian Ocean Aboard RVIB Nathaniel B. Palmer, Oceanography, vol. 25, no. 3, pp. 152-153, 2012.
G. A. Klouda, Lewis, C. W., Rasmussen, R. A., Rhoderick, G. C., Sams, R. L., Stevens, R. K., Currie, L. A., Donahue, D. J., Jull, A. J. T., and Seila, R. L., Radiocarbon measurements of atmospheric volatile organic compounds: Quantifying the biogenic contribution, Environmental Science & Technology, vol. 30, no. 4, pp. 1098-1105, 1996.
C. Gramling, A radiocarbon method and multi-tracer approach to quantifying groundwater discharge to coastal waters, MIT/WHOI, Cambridge, MA/Woods Hole, MA, 2003.
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B. D. Walker, Guilderson, T. P., Okimura, K. M., Peacock, M. B., and McCarthy, M. D., Radiocarbon signatures and size–age–composition relationships of major organic matter pools within a unique California upwelling system, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, vol. 126, pp. 1-17, 2014.
M. Groner, Thomas, E., and Varekamp, J. C., Radiocarbon studies of Long Island Sound sediments, EOS Trans. AGU, vol. 85, no. 17, 2004.
E. R. M. Druffel, Griffin, S., Bauer, J. E., Williams, P. M., Wolgast, D. M., and Lee, C., Radiocarbon Studies of Particulate Organic Carbon in the Eastern North Pacific Ocean, 15th International Radiocarbon Conference, Glasgow, Scotland, 1994.
E. R. M. Druffel, Bauer, J. E., Williams, P. M., Griffin, S., C. Wolgast, L., and Wakeham, S. G., Radiocarbon studies of particulate organic carbon in the eastern North Pacific Ocean, in 1994 ocean sciences meeting, San Diego, CA, 1994, vol. 75, p. 236.
C. R. Weidman and Jones, G. A., Radiocarbon time histories from long-lived molluscs using accelerator mass-spectrometry, in 6th International Conference on Accelerator Mass Spectrometry, Sydney, Australia, 1993, p. 133.
L. F. Robinson, Adkins, J. F., Keigwin, L. D., Southon, J., Fernandez, D. P., Wang, S. L., and Scheirer, D. S., Radiocarbon variability in the western North Atlantic during the last deglaciation, Science, vol. 310, no. 5753, pp. 1469-73, 2005.
H. K. White, Reddy, C. M., and Eclinton, T. I., Radiocarbon-based assessment of fossil fuel-derived contaminant associations in sediments, Environmental Science & Technology, vol. 42, no. 15, pp. 5428-5434, 2008.
G. Mollenhauer, Eglinton, T. I., HopmanSd, E. C., and Damste, J. S. S., A radiocarbon-based assessment of the preservation characteristics of crenarchaeol and alkenones from continental margin sediments, Organic Geochemistry, vol. 39, no. 8, pp. 1039-1045, 2008.
D. C. McCorkle, Gramling, C. M., Mulligan, A. E., Woods, T. L., and Lott, D. E., Radiocarbon-Based Estimates of the Groundwater Contribution to Estuarine Freshwater Budgets: An Example from Pages Creek, North Carolina, EOS, vol. 81, no. 19, p. S249, 2000.
P. H. Santschi and Rowe, G. T., Radiocarbon-derived sedimentation rates in the Gulf of Mexico, Deep-Sea Research Part Ii-Topical Studies in Oceanography, vol. 55, no. 24-26, pp. 2572-2576, 2008.
T. Alexander Brown, Radiocarton Dating of Pollen by Accelerator Mass Spectrometry, University of Washington, 1994.
D. J. DeMaster, Thomas, J., and al, et, Radiochemical measurements from FOODBANCS: Examining carbon cycling and benth-pelagic coupling on the Antarctic continental shelf, in AGU/ASLO Ocean Sciences Meeting, Honolulu, HI, 2002.
