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Serrano O., Mateo M.A, Dueñas-Bohórquez A., Renom P., López-Sáez J.A, A. Cortizas M.  2011.  The Posidonia oceanica marine sedimentary record: A Holocene archive of heavy metal pollution. Science of The Total Environment. 409(22):4831-4840.
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Morigi C., Capotondi L., Langone L., Giglio F., Ravaioli M..  2001.  Possible record of the yunger dryas event in sediments of the Southern Ocean (Pacific Sector)--Poster. AUG.
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Snyder J.A, MacDonald G.M, Forman S.L, Tarasov G.A, Mode W.N.  2000.  Postglacial climate and vegetation history, north-central Kola Peninsula, Russia: pollen and diatom records from Lake Yarnyshnoe-3. Boreas. 29(4):261-271.
Snyder J.A, MacDonald G.M, Forman S.L, Tarasov G.A, Mode W.N.  2000.  Postglacial climate and vegetation history, north-central Kola Peninsula, Russia: pollen and diatom records from Lake Yarnyshnoe-3. Boreas. 29(4):261-271.
Snyder J.A, Forman S.L, Mode W.N, Tarasov G.A.  1997.  Postglacial relative sea level history from sediment and diatom rcords of emerged coastal lakes, north-central Kola Peninsula, Russia. Boreas. 26:329-346.
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Cook MC, May A, Kohl L, Van Biesen G, Parrish CC, Morrill PL.  2018.  The Potential Impact of Hydrocarbons on Mussels in Port au Port Bay, Newfoundland. 81:1-22.
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Fitzpatrick S.M, Kappers M., Kaye Q., Giovas C.M, LeFebvre M.J, Harris M.H, Burnett S., Pavia J.A, Marsaglia K., Feathers J..  2009.  Pre-Columbian settlement of Carriacou, West Indies. Journal of Field Archaeology. 34(3):247-266.
Kaufman D.S, Manley W.F, Forman S.L, Layer P..  2001.  Pre-late Wisconsin glacial history, coastal Ahklun Mountains, southwestern Alaska-New amino acid, thermoluminescence, and 40Ar/30Ar results. Quaternary Science Reviews. 20(1-3):337-352.
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Colman S., Grachev M., Hearn P., Horie S., Kawai T., Kuzmin M., Logachov N., Fialkov V., Gorigljad A., Tomilov B. et al..  1997.  Preliminary results of the first scientific drilling on Lake Baikal, Buguldeika site, southeastern Siberia. Quaternary International. 37(17 March):3-17.
Colman S., Grachev M., Hearn P., Horie S., Kawai T., Kuzmin M., Logachov N., Fialkov V., Gorigljad A., Tomilov B. et al..  1997.  Preliminary results of the first scientific drilling on Lake Baikal, Buguldeika site, southeastern Siberia. Quaternary International. 37(17 March):3-17.
Colman S., Grachev M., Hearn P., Horie S., Kawai T., Kuzmin M., Logachov N., Fialkov V., Gorigljad A., Tomilov B. et al..  1997.  Preliminary results of the first scientific drilling on Lake Baikal, Buguldeika site, southeastern Siberia. Quaternary International. 37(17 March):3-17.
Colman S., Grachev M., Hearn P., Horie S., Kawai T., Kuzmin M., Logachov N., Fialkov V., Gorigljad A., Tomilov B. et al..  1997.  Preliminary results of the first scientific drilling on Lake Baikal, Buguldeika site, southeastern Siberia. Quaternary International. 37(17 March):3-17.
Colman S., Grachev M., Hearn P., Horie S., Kawai T., Kuzmin M., Logachov N., Fialkov V., Gorigljad A., Tomilov B. et al..  1997.  Preliminary results of the first scientific drilling on Lake Baikal, Buguldeika site, southeastern Siberia. Quaternary International. 37(17 March):3-17.
