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Journal Article
Minor R, Nelson AR.  2004.  Artifacts from a submerged prehistoric site on the Coos Bay Estuary, southern Oregon coast. Journal of California and Great Basin Anthropology. 24(1):41-52.
Dura T, Cisternas M, Horton BP, Ely LL, Nelson AR, Wesson RL, Pilarczyk JE.  2015.  Coastal evidence for Holocene subduction-zone earthquakes and tsunamis in central Chile. Quaternary Science Reviews. 113:93-111.
Milker Y, Nelson AR, Horton BP, Engelhart SE, Bradley L-A, Witter RC.  2016.  Differences in coastal subsidence in southern Oregon (USA) during at least six prehistoric megathrust earthquakes. Quaternary Science Reviews. 142:143-163.
Nelson AR, Personius SF, Sherrod BL, Kelsey HM, Johnson SY, Bradley L-A, Wells RE.  2014.  Diverse rupture modes for surface-deforming upper-plate earthquakes in the southern Puget Lowland of Washington State. Geosphere. 10(4):769.
Kelsey HM, Sherrod BL, Nelson AR, Brocher TM.  2008.  Earthquakes generated from bedding plane-parallel reverse faults above an active wedge thrust, Seattle fault zone. Geological Society of America Bulletin. 120(11-12):1581-1597.
Nelson AR, Kashima K, Bradley L-A.  2009.  Fragmentary Evidence of Great-Earthquake Subsidence during Holocene Emergence, Valdivia Estuary, South Central Chile. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America. 99(1):71-86.
Matos‐Llavona PI, Ely LL, MacInnes B, Dura T, Cisternas MA, Bourgeois J, Bruce D, DePaolis J, Dolcimascolo A, Horton BP et al..  2022.  The giant 1960 tsunami in the context of a 6000‐year record of paleotsunamis and coastal evolution in south‐central Chile. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. 47(8):2062-2078.
Wang P-L, Engelhart SE, Wang K, Hawkes AD, Horton BP, Nelson AR, Witter RC.  2013.  Heterogeneous rupture in the great Cascadia earthquake of 1700 inferred from coastal subsidence estimates. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth. 118(5):2460-2473.
Nelson AR, Hawkes AD, Sawai Y, Engelhart SE, Witter R, Grant-Walter WC, Bradley L-A, Dura T, Cahill N, Horton B.  2020.  Identifying the Greatest Earthquakes of the Past 2000 Years at the Nehalem River Estuary, Northern Oregon Coast, USA. Open Quaternary. 6
Nelson AR, DuRoss CB, Witter RC, Kelsey HM, Engelhart SE, Mahan SA, Gray HJ, Hawkes AD, Horton BP, Padgett JS.  2021.  A maximum rupture model for the central and southern Cascadia subduction zone—reassessing ages for coastal evidence of megathrust earthquakes and tsunamis. Quaternary Science Reviews. 261:106922.
Ollerhead J, Huntley DJ, Nelson AR, Kelsey HM.  2001.  Optical dating, ages, and scatter from tsunami-laid sands from Bradley Lake, Oregon. Quaternary Science Reviews. 20:1915-1926.
Engelhart SE, Vacchi M, Horton BP, Nelson AR, Kopp RE.  2015.  A sea-level database for the Pacific coast of central North America. Quaternary Science Reviews. 113:78-92.
La Selle SP, Richmond BM, Jaffe BE, Nelson AR, Griswold FR, Arcos MEM, Chagué C, Bishop JM, Bellanova P, Kane HH et al..  2020.  Sedimentary evidence of prehistoric distant‐source tsunamis in the Hawaiian Islands. Sedimentology. 67(3):1249-1273.
Dura T, Horton BP, Cisternas M, Ely LL, Hong I, Nelson AR, Wesson RL, Pilarczyk JE, Parnell AC, Nikitina D.  2017.  Subduction zone slip variability during the last millennium, south-central Chile. Quaternary Science Reviews. 175:112-137.
Briggs RW, Engelhart SE, Nelson AR, Dura T, Kemp AC, Haeussler PJ, D. Corbett R, Angster SJ, Bradley L-A.  2014.  Uplift and subsidence reveal a nonpersistent megathrust rupture boundary (Sitkinak Island, Alaska). Geophysical Research Letters. 41(7):2289-2296.