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Journal Article
Slater G.F, White H.K, Eglinton T.I, Reddy C.M.  2005.  Are bacteria actively degrading petroleum residues from the West Falmouth oil spill? New insights from 14C analysis of bacterial lipids Environmental Science and Technology. 39:2552-2558.
Slater G.F, Nelson R.K, Kile B.M, Reddy C.M.  2006.  Characterizing biodegration and microbial metabolic activity in situ using natural abundance, molecular-level 14C analysis. Organic Geochemistry. 37:981-989.
Slater G.F, White H.K, Eglinton T.I, Reddy C.M.  2005.  Determination of microbial carbon sources in petroleum contaminated sediments using molecular 14C analysis. Environmental Science and Technology. 39:2552-2558.
Slater G.F, White H.K, Eglinton T.I, Reddy C.M.  2005.  Determination of Microbial Carbon Sources in Petrolleum Contaminated Sediments Using Molecular 14C Analysis. Environ. Sci. Technol. 39:2552-2558.
Brady A.L, Slater G.F, Omelon C.R, Southam G., Druschel G., Andersen D.T, Hawes I., Laval B., Lim D.SS.  2010.  Photosynthetic isotope biosignatures in laminated micro-stromatolitic and non-laminated nodules associated with modern, freshwater microbialites in Pavilion Lake, BC RID B-8520-2011. Chemical Geology. 274(1-2):56-67.
Brady A.L, Goordial J., Sun H.J, Whyte L.G, Slater G.F.  2018.  Variability in carbon uptake and (re)cycling in Antarctic cryptoendolithic microbial ecosystems demonstrated through radiocarbon analysis of organic biomarkers. Geobiology. 16(1):62-79.