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Author Title [ Type(Desc)] Year
Book Chapter
Matsumoto K., Key R.M.  2004.  Natural radiocarbon distribution in the deep ocean. Global Environmental Change in the Ocean and on Land. :45-58.
Matsumoto K, Key RM.  2004.  Natural Radiocarbon Distribution in the Deep Ocean. Global Environmental Change in the Ocean and on Land. Submitted
Baker P.A, Fritz S.C, Burns S.J, Ekdahl E., Rigsby C.A.  2009.  The nature and origin of decadal to millennial scale climate variability in the southern tropics of South America. Past Climate Variability from the Last Glacial Maximum to the Holocene in South America and Surrounding Regions. :301-322.
von Reden K.F, Schneider R.J, McNichol A.P, Hayes J.M, Pearson A., Eglinton T.I.  1999.  New Developments at the NOSAMS Facility. Proceeding of the International Workshop on Frontiers in Accelerator Mass Spectrometry. :44-52.
Came RE, Curry WB, Oppo DW, Broccoli AJ, Stouffer RJ, Lynch-Stieglitz J.  2007.  North Atlantic intermediate depth variability during the Younger Dryas; evidence from benthic foraminiferal Mg/Ca and the GFDL R30 coupled climate model. Geophysical Monograph, vol. 173. :247-263.
Bond G.C, Showers W., Elliot M., Evans M., Lotti R., Hajdas I., Bonani G., Johnson S..  1999.  The North Atlantic's 1-2 kyr climate rhythm: Relation to Heinrich events, Dansgaard/Oeschger cycles and the Little Ice Age (Book Section). Mechanisms of global climate change at mellennial time scales. :35-58.
von Reden K.F.  1998.  NOSAMS Controls with LabView. Symposium of North-Eastern Accelerator Personnel, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, USE, October 27-30, 1996, SNEAP XXX. :189-199.
Schlosser P., Bullister J.L, Fine R., Jenkins W.J, Key R., Lupton J., Roether W., Smethie, Jr. W.M.  2001.  Ocean Circulation and Climate. Observing and Modelling the Global Ocean. :431-452.
Toggweiler J.R, Key R.M.  2002.  Ocean circulation: thermohaline circulation. Encyclopedia of Ocean Sciences. :2941-2947.
Eglinton T.I, Pearson A..  2001.  Ocean Process Tracers: Single compound radiocarbon measurements. Encyclopedia of Ocean Sciences.
Sommerfield C.K, Agston A.S, Mullenbach B.L, Drake D.E, Alexander C.R, Nittrouer C.A, Borgeld J.C, Wheatcroft R.A, Leithold E.L.  2007.  Oceanic dispersal and accumulation of river sediment. Continental-Margin Sedimentation: from Sediment Transport to Sequence Stratigraphy. IAS Special Publication:608.
Varekamp J.C, Mecray E.L, Zierzow T..  2005.  Once spilled, still found: metal contamination in Connecticut wetlands and Long Island Sound sediment from historic industries, Chapter 9. Our Changing Coasts. :122-147.
Erlandson JM, Rick TC, Jones TL, Porcasi J.  2007.  One if by land, two if by sea: who were the first Californians? California Prehistory:Colonization, Culture and Complexity. :53-62.
Cronin T.M, Boomer I., Dwyer G.S, Rodriguez-Lazaro J..  2002.  Ostracoda and paleoceanography. American Geophysical Union Monograph - The Ostracoda: Applications in Quaternay Research.
Lynch-Stieglitz J., Curry W.B, Slowey N., Schmidt G.A.  1999.  The overturning circulation of the glacial Atlantic: A view from the top. Reconstructing Ocean History: A Window into the Future. :7-31.
Erlandson JM, Braje TJ, Rick TC, Davis T, Southon T.  2009.  A Paleocoastal Shell Midden at Seal Cave (CA-SMI-604), San Miguel Island, California. Proceedings of the Seventh California Islands Symposium. :33-42.
Buynevich I.V, Damušytė A., Bitinas A., Olenin S., Mažeika J., Petrošius R..  2011.  Pontic-Baltic pathways for invasive aquatic species: geoarchaeological implications. Geology and Geoarchaeology of the Black Sea Region: Beyond the Flood Hypothesis. :189-196.
Horn S.P.  2006.  Pre-Columbian maize agriculture in Costa Rice: Pollen and other evidence from lake and swamp sediments. Histories of Maize: Multidisciplinary Approaches to the Prehistory, Biogeography, Domestication, and Evolution of Maize. :367-380.
Chin Y.P, McNichol A.P, Gschwend P.M.  1991.  Quantification and characterization of porewater organic colloids. Organic Substances and Sediments in Water. Processes and Analytical. 2:107-126.
Muhs D.R, Wehmiller J.F, Simmons K.R, York L.L.  2004.  Quaternary sea level history of the United States. The Quaternary period in the United States, Developments in Quaternary science. :147-183.
Key R.M.  1991.  Radiocarbon. WOCE Hydrographic Operations and Methods Manual.
Kromer B., Hughen K..  2002.  Radiocarbon analysis, calibration and applications. Current methods in geochronology: Temporal resolution in geology, palaeontology, archaeoloty, and anthropology.
Hughen K.A.  2007.  Radiocarbon dating of deep-sea sediments. Paleoceanography of the Late Cenozoic. 1: Methods
Colman S.M, Bratton J.F, Baucom P.C.  2000.  Radiocarbon dating of Marion-Dufresne cores MD99-2204, 2207, and 2209, Chesapeake Bay. Initial Report on IMAGES V Cruise of the Marion-Dufresne to the Chesapeake Bay June 20-22, 1999. Open-File Report 00-306:72-77.
Thompson W.B, Fowler B.K, Flanagan S.M, Dorion C.C.  1996.  Recession of the late Wisconsinan Ice Sheet from the northwestern White Mountains, New Hampshire (Book Section). New England Intercollegiate Geological Conference Guidebook for Field Trips in Northern New Hampshire and Adjacent regions of Maine and Vermont. :203-234.
