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Conference Paper
A. P. McNichol, Xu, L., Griffith, D. R., Eglinton, T. I., Macdonald, R., and McLaughlin, F. A., Radiocarbon in the Canada Basin: Carbon Transfer Processes in the Changing Arctic, in Proceedings from the 2010 AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting, 2010.
A. P. McNichol, Xu, L., Griffith, D. R., Eglinton, T. I., Macdonald, R., and McLaughlin, F. A., Radiocarbon in the Canada Basin: Carbon Transfer Processes in the Changing Arctic, in Proceedings from the 2010 AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting, 2010.
R. J. Schneider, McNichol, A. P., von Reden, K. F., Elder, K. L., Gagnon, A. R., Key, R. M., Quay, P. D., and Schlosser, P. M., The radiocarbon gradient at the Antarctic Polar Front, in AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting, San Antonio, TX, 2000.
M. Alessio, Allegri, L., Antonioli, F., Belluomini, G., Improta, S., and Manfra, L., Radiocarbon Dating of Marine Deposits on Submerged Speleothems and Sea-Level Oscillation, in 15th International Radiocarbon Conference, Glasgow, Scotland, 1994.
G. Mollenhauer, Eglinton, T. I., Ohkouchi, N., Grootes, P. M., Muller, P. J., Rullkotter, J., and Schneider, R. R., Radiocarbon dating of alkenones in sediments from the Namibian continental margin, in European Geophysical Society, XXVII General Assembly, Nice, France, 2002.
G. Mollenhauer, Eglinton, T. I., Ohkouchi, N., Grootes, P. M., Muller, P. J., Rullkotter, J., and Schneider, R. R., Radiocarbon dating of alkenones in sediments from the Namibian continental margin, in European Geophysical Society, XXVII General Assembly, Nice, France, 2002.
G. Mollenhauer and Eglinton, T. I., Radiocarbon content of alkenones, foraminifera and bulk OC in oxic and anoxic sediments from the California Borderland Basins, Poster, in Gordon Research Conference Organic Geochemistry, Holderness School, New Hampshire, USA, 2004.
G. Mollenhauer, McManus, J. F., Wagner, T., McCave, I. N., and Eglinton, T. I., Radiocarbon and Th-230 data reveal temperal changes in sediment focusing at ODP site 984, Poster, in EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 2007.
G. Mollenhauer, McManus, J. F., Wagner, T., McCave, I. N., and Eglinton, T. I., Radiocarbon and Th-230 data reveal temperal changes in sediment focusing at ODP site 984, Poster, in EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 2007.
G. Mollenhauer, McManus, J. F., Wagner, T., McCave, I. N., and Eglinton, T. I., Radiocarbon and Th-230 data reveal temperal changes in sediment focusing at ODP site 984, Poster, in EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 2007.
G. Mollenhauer, Eglinton, T. I., Hayes, J. M., Keinast, M., Lamy, F., Meggers, H., and Schneider, R. R., Radiocarbon ages of marine biomarkers and co-occurring foraminifera: evidence for differential particle transport on continental margins, in AGU Fall Meeting 2003, San Francisco, USA, 2003.
G. Mollenhauer, Eglinton, T. I., Hayes, J. M., Keinast, M., Lamy, F., Meggers, H., and Schneider, R. R., Radiocarbon ages of marine biomarkers and co-occurring foraminifera: evidence for differential particle transport on continental margins, in AGU Fall Meeting 2003, San Francisco, USA, 2003.
G. Mollenhauer, Eglinton, T. I., Hayes, J. M., Kienast, M., Lamy, F., Meggers, H., and Schneider, R. R., Radiocarbon ages of marine bimarkers and co-occurring foraminifera: evidence for differential particle transport on continental margins, Poster, in Eighth International Conference on Palaeoceanography, Biarritz, France, 2004.
G. Mollenhauer, Eglinton, T. I., Hayes, J. M., Kienast, M., Lamy, F., Meggers, H., and Schneider, R. R., Radiocarbon ages of marine bimarkers and co-occurring foraminifera: evidence for differential particle transport on continental margins, Poster, in Eighth International Conference on Palaeoceanography, Biarritz, France, 2004.
K. F. von Reden, McNichol, A. P., and Schneider, R. J., Progress of the NOSAMS facility WOCE (super 14) C data analysis, presented at the 1996, United States (USA), 1996, vol. 38, p. 123.
K. F. von Reden, McNichol, A. P., and Schneider, R. J., Progress of the NOSAMS Facility WOCE 14C Data Analysis, Workshop on Applications of AMS to Global Climate Change, in Workshop on Applications of AMS to Global Climate Change, La Jolla, 1996, vol. 38, p. 123.
K. F. von Reden, McNichol, A. P., and Schneider, R. J., Progress of the NOSAMS Facility WOCE 14C data analysis, in 7th International Conference on Accelerator Mass Spectrometry, Tucson, AZ, 1996, vol. 38, p. 123.
K. F. von Reden, McNichol, A. P., and Schneider, R. J., Progress of the NOSAMS Facility WOCE 14C Data Analysis, in Workshop on Applications of AMS to Global Climate Change, La Jolla, 1996, vol. 38, p. 123.
C. Morigi, Capotondi, L., Langone, L., Giglio, F., and Ravaioli, M., Possible record of the yunger dryas event in sediments of the southern ocean (Pacific sector)--abstract, in AUG, Nice, France, 2001.
C. Morigi, Capotondi, L., Langone, L., Giglio, F., and Ravaioli, M., Possible record of the yunger dryas event in sediments of the Southern Ocean (Pacific Sector)--Poster, in AUG, Nice, 2001.
K. F. von Reden, Donoghue, J., Elder, K., Gagnon, A., Gerlach, D., Griffin, V., Healy, R., Long, P., McNichol, A., Percy, D., Roberts, M. L., Schneider, R. J., Xu, L., and Hayes, J. M., Plans for expanded 14C analyses at the NOSAMS facility - a status and progress report, in International Conference on Accelerator Mass Spectrometry, Nagoya, Japan, 2002.
C. Morigi, Capotondi, L., Ravaioli, M., Giglio, F., Turi, B., Brilli, M., Frignani, M., and Langone, L., Planktic foraminifera and oxygen isotope as proxies for paleoceanographic reconstruction in the Southern Ocean during the last deglacial time--Abstract, in Convegno Glaciologia e Paleoclima, Padova, 1999, pp. 70-71.
K. L. Cole and Murray, L. K., Paleoenvironments of Capitol Reef National Park reconstructed from fossil packrate middens, in 4th biennial Conference on Research on the Colorado Plateau, USGS Colorado Plateau Field Station, Flagstaff, AZ, 1999.
C. Morigo, Capotondi, L., Ravaioli, M., Giglio, F., Turi, B., Brilli, M., and Langone, L., Paleoceanographic changes in the Southern Ocean (Pacific Sector) during the last 14 ka.- -Abstract, in Third International SO-JGOFS Symposium, Brest, 1999.
C. Morigi, Capotondi, L., Ravaioli, M., Giglio, F., Turi, B., Brilli, M., and Langone, L., Paleoceanographic changes in the Southern Ocean (Pacific sector) during the last 14 Ka.--Poster, in Third International SO-JGOFS Symposium, Brest, 2000.
