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Maio CV, Gontz AM, Sullivan RM, Madsen SM, Weidman CR, Donnelly JP.  2014.  Subsurface Evidence of Storm-Driven Breaching along a Transgressing Barrier System, Cape Cod, USA. JOURNAL OF COASTAL RESEARCH. 32:264-279.
Maio CV, Gontz AM, Sullivan RM, Madsen SM, Weidman CR, Donnelly JP.  2014.  Subsurface Evidence of Storm-Driven Breaching along a Transgressing Barrier System, Cape Cod, USA. JOURNAL OF COASTAL RESEARCH. 32:264-279.
Maio CV, Gontz AM, Sullivan RM, Madsen SM, Weidman CR, Donnelly JP.  2016.  Subsurface Evidence of Storm-Driven Breaching along a Transgressing Barrier System, Cape Cod, U.S.A.. Journal of Coastal Research. 318(2):264-279.
Maio CV, Gontz AM, Sullivan RM, Madsen SM, Weidman CR, Donnelly JP.  2016.  Subsurface Evidence of Storm-Driven Breaching along a Transgressing Barrier System, Cape Cod, U.S.A.. Journal of Coastal Research. 318(2):264-279.
von Reden KF, McNichol AP, Pearson A, Schneider RJ.  1998.  (super 14) C AMS measurements of. 40:247-253.
Goñi M.A, Yunker M.B, Macdonald R.W, Eglinton T.I.  2005.  The supply and preservation of ancient and modern components of organic carbon on the Canadian Beaufort Shelf of the Arctic Ocean. Marine Chemistry. 93:53-73.
Roberts N.L, Piotrowski A.M, McManus J.F, Keigwin L.D.  2010.  Synchronous Deglacial Overturning and Water Mass Source Changes. Science. 327(5961):75-78.
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Dix G.R, Thomson M.L, Longstaffe F.J, McNutt R.H.  1995.  Systematic decrease of high delta 13C values with burial in late archaean (2.8 Ga) diagenetic dolomite: evidence for methanogenesis from the Crixas Greenstone Belt, Brazil. Precambrian Research. 70:253-268.
Schneider R.J, Hayes J.M, Eglinton T.I, McNichol A.P, von Reden K.F.  1997.  Target preparation for continuous flow accelerator mass spectrometry. 16th International Radiocarbon Conference. Book of Abstracts:165.
Schneider R.J, Hayes J.M, von Reden K.F, McNichol A.P, Eglinton T.I, Wills J.SC.  1998.  Target preparation for continuous flow accelerator mass spectrometry. Radiocarbon. 40(1):95-102.
Schneider R.J, Hayes J.M, von Reden K.F, McNichol A.P, Eglinton T.I.  1997.  Target preparation for continuous flow accelerator mass spectrometry. Radiocarbon. 40:95-102.
Schneider R.J, Hayes J.M, von Reden K.F, McNichol A.P, Eglinton T..  1997.  Target preparation for continuous flow accelerator mass spectrometry: (Proceedings of the 16th International Radiocarbon Conference, 1997). Radiocarbon. 40:95-102.
Key R.M, McNichol A..  1998.  Technology revolutionizes tracer oceanography during WOCE. International WOCE Newsletter. 30:19-20.
Bao R, Strasser M, McNichol AP, Haghipour N, McIntyre C, Wefer G, Eglinton TI.  2018.  Tectonically-triggered sediment and carbon export to the Hadal zone. Nature Communications. 9(1)
Bao R, Strasser M, McNichol AP, Haghipour N, McIntyre C, Wefer G, Eglinton TI.  2018.  Tectonically-triggered sediment and carbon export to the Hadal zone. Nature Communications. 9(1)
Benway H.M., McManus J.F., Oppo D.W., Cullen J.F..  2010.  Temperature and salinity changes in the deglacial North Atlantic. Quaternary Science Reviews. 29:3336-3345.
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Margolin AR, Robinson LF, Burke A, Waller RG, Scanlon KM, Roberts ML, Auro ME, van de Flierdt T.  2014.  Temporal and spatial distributions of cold-water corals in the Drake Passage: Insights from the last 35,000 years. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography. 99:237-248.
Bao R, Zhao M, McNichol A, Galy V, McIntyre C, Haghipour N, Eglinton TI.  2019.  Temporal constraints on lateral organic matter transport along a coastal mud belt. Organic Geochemistry. 128:86-93.
Bao R, Zhao M, McNichol A, Galy V, McIntyre C, Haghipour N, Eglinton TI.  2019.  Temporal constraints on lateral organic matter transport along a coastal mud belt. Organic Geochemistry. 128:86-93.
Vonk JE, Drenzek NJ, Hughen KA, Stanley RHR, McIntyre C, çon DB, Giosan L, Southon JR, Santos GM, Druffel ERM et al..  2019.  Temporal deconvolution of vascular plant-derived fatty acids exported from terrestrial watersheds. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 244:502-521.
McNichol A.P, Schneider R.J, von Reden K.F, Gagnon A.R, Elder K.L, Key R.M, Quay P.D.  2000.  Ten years after - The WOCE AMS radiocarbon program. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms. 172(1-4):479-484.
McNichol A.P, Schneider R.J, von Reden K.F, Gagnon A.R, Elder K.L, Key R.M, Quay P.D.  2000.  Ten years after - the WOCE AMS radiocarbon program. Accelerator Mass Spectrometer Conference.
McNichol A., Schneider R., von Reden K., Gagnon A., Elder K., Key R., Quay P..  1999.  Ten Years After--The WOCE AMS Radiocarbon Program. 8th International Conference on Accelerator Mass Spectrometry.
