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Journal Article
Alin S.R, Aalto R., Goñi M.A, Richey J.E, Dietrich W.E.  2008.  Biogeochemical characterization of carbon sources in the strickland and fly rivers, Papua New Guinea. Journal of Geophysical Research-Earth Surface. 113(F1)
Tesi T., Langone L., Goñi M.A, Miserocchi S., Bertasi F..  2008.  Changes in the composition of organic matter from prodeltaic sediments after a large flood event (Po River, Italy). Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 72(8):2100-2114.
Hatten J.A, Goñi M.A, Wheatcroft R.A.  2012.  Chemical characteristics of particulate organic matter from a small, mountainous river in the Oregon Coast Range, USA. Biogeochemistry. 107:43-66.
Mead R.N, Goñi M.A.  2008.  Matrix protected organic matter in a river dominated margin: A possible mechanism to sequester terrestrial organic matter? Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta. 72(11):2673-2686.
Goñi M.A, Aceves H., Benitez-Nelson B., Tappa E., Thunell R., Black D.E, Muller-Karger F., Astor Y., Varela R..  2009.  Oceanographic and climatologic controls on the compositions and fluxes of biogenic materials in the water column and sediments of the Cariaco Basin over the Late Holocene. Deep-Sea Research Part I-Oceanographic Research Papers. 56(4):614-640.
Tesi T., Miserocchi S., Goñi M.A, Langone L., Boldrin A., Turchetto M..  2007.  Organic matter origin and distribution in suspended particulate materials and surficial sediments from the western Adriatic Sea (Italy). Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science. 73(3-4):431-446.
Goñi M.A, Ruttenberg K.C, Eglinton T.I.  1998.  A reassessment of the sources and importance of land-derived organic matter in surface sediments from the Gulf of Mexico. Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta. 62(18):3055-3075.
Tesi T., Langone L., Goñi M.A, Turchetto M., Miserocchi S., Boldrin A..  2008.  Source and composition of organic matter in the Bari canyon (Italy): Dense water cascading versus particulate export from the upper ocean. Deep-Sea Research Part I-Oceanographic Research Papers. 55(7):813-831.
Goñi M.A, Ruttenberg K.C, Eglinton T.I.  1997.  Source and contribution of terrigenous organic carbon to surface sediments in the Gulf of Mexico. Nature. 389(6648):275-278.
Tesi T., Miserocchi S., Goñi M.A, Langone L..  2007.  Source, transport and fate of terrestrial organic carbon on the western Mediterranean Sea, Gulf of Lions, France. Marine Chemistry. 105(1-2):101-117.
Goñi M.A, Yunker M.B, Macdonald R.W, Eglinton T.I.  2005.  The supply and preservation of ancient and modern components of organic carbon on the Canadian Beaufort Shelf of the Arctic Ocean. Marine Chemistry. 93:53-73.
Goñi M.A, Monacci N., Gisewhite R., Crockett J., Nittrouer C., Ogston A., Alin S.R, Aalto R..  2008.  Terrigenous organic matter in sediments from the Fly River delta-clinoform system (Papua New Guinea). Journal of Geophysical Research-Earth Surface. 113(F1)