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A. P. McNichol, Quay, P. D., Stuart, D. R., Sonnerup, R. E., and Key, R. M.,
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A. P. McNichol, Osborne, E. A., Gagnon, A. R., Fry, B., and Jones, G. A.,
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A. P. McNichol, Gagnon, A. R., Jones, G. A., and Osborne, E. A.,
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A. P. McNichol, Jones, G. A., Hutton, D. L., Gagnon, A. R., and Key, R. M.,
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A. P. McNichol, von Reden, K. F., Schneider, R. J., Key, R. M., and Jones, G. A.,
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A. P. McNichol, Xu, L., Griffith, D. R., Eglinton, T. I., Macdonald, R., and McLaughlin, F. A.,
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A. P. McNichol, Jull, A. J. T., and Burr, G. S.,
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A. P. McNichol, Schneider, R. J., von Reden, K. F., Gagnon, A. R., Elder, K. L., Key, R. M., and Quay, P. D.,
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A. P. McNichol, Jones, G. A., Hutton, D. L., Gagnon, A. R., and Key, R. M.,
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A. P. McNichol, Ertel, J. R., and Eglinton, T. I.,
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A. P. McNichol, Jull, A. J. T., and Burr, G. S.,
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A. P. McNichol, Gagnon, A. R., Jones, G. A., and Osborne, E. A.,
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A. McNichol, Schneider, R., von Reden, K., Gagnon, A., Elder, K., Key, R., and Quay, P.,
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A. P. McNichol, von Reden, K. F., Schneider, R. J., and Jones, G. A.,
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EOS, Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, vol. 75, no. 3, p. 197, 1994.