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Shan S, Luo C, Qi Y, Cai W‐J, Sun S, Fan D, Wang X.  2021.  Carbon Isotopic and Lithologic Constraints on the Sources and Cycling of Inorganic Carbon in Four Large Rivers in China: Yangtze, Yellow, Pearl, and Heilongjiang. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 126(2)
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Eglinton TI, Galy VV, Hemingway JD, Feng X, Bao H, Blattmann TM, Dickens AF, Gies H, Giosan L, Haghipour N et al..  2021.  Climate control on terrestrial biospheric carbon turnover. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 118(8):e2011585118.
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