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Mariani M, Fletcher M-S, Drysdale RN, Saunders KM, Heijnis H, Jacobsen G, Zawadzki A.  2017.  Coupling of the Intertropical Convergence Zone and Southern Hemisphere mid-latitude climate during the early to mid-Holocene. Geology. 45(12):1083-1086.
DeMaster D.J., Liu J.P., Eidam E., Nittrouer C.A., Nguyen T.T..  2017.  Determining rates of sediment accumulation on the Mekong shelf: Timescales, steady-state assumptions, and radiochemical tracers. Continental Shelf Research. 147:182-196.
Fang W, Andersson A, Zheng M, Lee M, Holmstrand H, Kim S-W, Du K, Gustafsson Ö.  2017.  Divergent Evolution of Carbonaceous Aerosols during Dispersal of East Asian Haze. Scientific Reports. 7(1)
Wilson R.M, Fitzhugh L., Whiting G.J, Frolking S., Harrison M.D, Dimova N., Burnett W.C, Chanton J.P.  2017.  Greenhouse gas balance over thaw-freeze cycles in discontinuous zone permafrost. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 122(2):387-404.
Patrut A, Woodborne S, von Reden KF, Hall G, Patrut RT, Rakosy L, Danthu P, Pock-Tsy J-MLeong, Lowy DA, Margineanu D.  2017.  The Growth Stop Phenomenon Of Baobabs (Adansonia Spp.) Identified By Radiocarbon DatingAbstract. Radiocarbon. 59504754164661(02):435-448.
Hemingway JD, Schefuß E, Spencer RGM, Dinga BJean, Eglinton TI, McIntyre C, Galy VV.  2017.  Hydrologic controls on seasonal and inter-annual variability of Congo River particulate organic matter source and reservoir age. Chemical Geology. 466:454-465.
Delano JE, Amos CB, Loveless JP, Rittenour TM, Sherrod BL, Lynch EM.  2017.  Influence of the megathrust earthquake cycle on upper-plate deformation in the Cascadia forearc of Washington State, USA. Geology. 45(11):1051-1054.
Mil-Homens M, Vale C, Brito P, Naughton F, Drago T, Raimundo J, Anes B, Schmidt S, Caetano M.  2017.  Insights of Pb isotopic signature into the historical evolution and sources of Pb contamination in a sediment core of the southwestern Iberian Atlantic shelf. Science of The Total Environment. 586:473-484.
Mil-Homens ário, Vale C, Brito P, Naughton F, Drago T, Raimundo J, Anes árbara, Schmidt S, Caetano M.  2017.  Insights of Pb isotopic signature into the historical evolution and sources of Pb contamination in a sediment core of the southwestern Iberian Atlantic shelf. Science of The Total Environment. 586:473-484.
Driese SG, Horn SP, Ballard JP, Boehm MS, Li Z.  2017.  Micromorphology of late Pleistocene and Holocene sediments and a new interpretation of the Holocene chronology at Anderson Pond, Tennessee, USAAbstract. Quaternary Research. 87(1):82-95.
Demopoulos AWJ, Ross SW, Kellogg CA, Morrison CL, Nizinski MS, Prouty NG, Bourque JR, Galkiewicz JP, Gray MA, Springmann MJ et al..  2017.  Open-File ReportOpen-File ReportDeepwater Program: Lophelia II, continuing ecological research on deep-sea corals and deep-reef habitats in the Gulf of Mexico.
Smyth MP, Dunning NP, Weaver EM, van Beynen P, Zapata DOrtegón.  2017.  The perfect storm: climate change and ancient Maya response in the Puuc Hills region of YucatánAbstract. Antiquity. 91(356):490-509.
Zhao F, Minshull TA, Crocker AJ, Dowdeswell JA, Wu S, Soryal SM.  2017.  Pleistocene iceberg dynamics on the west Svalbard margin: Evidence from bathymetric and sub-bottom profiler data. Quaternary Science Reviews. 161:30-44.
Früh-Green G.L., Orcutt B.N., Green S.L., Cotterill C., Morgan S., Akizawa N., Bayrakci G., Behrmann J.-H., Boschi C., Brazleton W.J. et al..  2017.  Proceedings of the International Ocean Discovery ProgramExpedition 357 methods.
Prouty N.G., Mienis F., Campbell-Swarzenski P., Roark E.B., Davies A.J., Robertson C.M., Duineveld G., Ross S.W., Rhode M., Demopoulos A.W.J..  2017.  Seasonal variability in the source and composition of particulate matter in the depositional zone of Baltimore Canyon, U.S. Mid-Atlantic Bight. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers. 127:77-89.
Prouty N.G., Mienis F., Campbell-Swarzenski P., Roark E.B., Davies A.J., Robertson C.M., Duineveld G., Ross S.W., Rhode M., Demopoulos A.W.J..  2017.  Seasonal variability in the source and composition of particulate matter in the depositional zone of Baltimore Canyon, U.S. Mid-Atlantic Bight. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers. 127:77-89.
Prouty N.G., Mienis F., Campbell-Swarzenski P., Roark E.B., Davies A.J., Robertson C.M., Duineveld G., Ross S.W., Rhode M., Demopoulos A.W.J..  2017.  Seasonal variability in the source and composition of particulate matter in the depositional zone of Baltimore Canyon, U.S. Mid-Atlantic Bight. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers. 127:77-89.
Dong L, Liu Y, Shi X, Polyak L, Huang Y, Fang X, Liu J, Zou J, Wang K, Sun F et al..  2017.  Sedimentary record from the Canada Basin, Arctic Ocean: implications for late to middle Pleistocene glacial history. Climate of the Past. 13(5):511-531.
Winiger P, Andersson A, Eckhardt S, Stohl A, Semiletov IP, Dudarev OV, Charkin A, Shakhova N, Klimont Z, Heyes C et al..  2017.  Siberian Arctic black carbon sources constrained by model and observation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 114(7):E1054-E1061.
Dura T, Horton BP, Cisternas M, Ely LL, Hong I, Nelson AR, Wesson RL, Pilarczyk JE, Parnell AC, Nikitina D.  2017.  Subduction zone slip variability during the last millennium, south-central Chile. Quaternary Science Reviews. 175:112-137.
Subt C., Yoon H.I, Yoo K.C, Lee J.I, Leventer A., Domack E.W, Rosenheim B.E.  2017.  Sub-ice shelf sediment geochronology utilizing novel radiocarbon methodology for highly detrital sediments. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems. 18(4):1404-1418.
Moratto MJ, Davis OK, Davis-King S, Meyer J, Rosenthal J, Sylwester L.  2017.  A Terminal Pleistocene/Early Holocene Environmental Record and Fluted Point from Twain Harte, California. PaleoAmerica. 3(3):260-275.
Moratto MJ, Davis OK, Davis-King S, Meyer J, Rosenthal J, Sylwester L.  2017.  A Terminal Pleistocene/Early Holocene Environmental Record and Fluted Point from Twain Harte, California. PaleoAmerica. 3(3):260-275.
Loomis SE, Russell JM, Verschuren D, Morrill C, De Cort G, Damsté JSSinning, Olago D, Eggermont H, F. Street-Perrott A, Kelly MA.  2017.  The tropical lapse rate steepened during the Last Glacial Maximum. Science Advances. 3(1):e1600815.
Loomis SE, Russell JM, Verschuren D, Morrill C, De Cort G, Damsté JSSinning, Olago D, Eggermont H, F. Street-Perrott A, Kelly MA.  2017.  The tropical lapse rate steepened during the Last Glacial Maximum. Science Advances. 3(1):e1600815.
