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Book Chapter
Curtis J.H, Brenner M., Hodell D.A.  2001.  Climate change in the circum-Caribbean (late Pleistocene-to-Present) and implications for regional biogeography. Biogeography of the West Indies: Patterns and Perspectives, 2nd Edition. :35-54.
Hodell D.A, Brenner M., Curtis J.H.  2000.  Climate change in the northern American tropics since the last ice age: implications for environment and culture (Book Section). Imperfect Balance: Landscape transformations in the Precolumbian Americas. :13-38.
Journal Article
Curtis J.H, Brenner M., Hodell D.A.  1999.  Climate change in the Lake Valencia Basin, Venezuela, approximately 12,600 yr BP to present. The Holocene. 9:609-619.
Binford M.W, Kolata A.L, Brenner M., Janusek J.W, Seddon M.T, Abbott M., Curtis J.H.  1997.  Climate variation and the rise and fall of an Andean civilization. Quaternary Research. 47(2):235-248.
Weng C.Y, Bush M.B, Curtis J.H, Kolata A.L, Dillehay T.D, Binford M.W.  2006.  Deglaciation and Holocene climate change in the western Peruvian Andes. Quaternary Research. 66(1):87-96.
Rosenmeier M.F, Hodel D.A, Martin J.B, Brenner M., Curtis J.H.  1998.  Early to middle Holocene climatic variability in Central America: evidence from lacustrine sediments in the Peten, Guatemala. EOS: Transactions American Geophysical Union. 79:476.
Whitmore T.J, Brenner M., Curtis J.H, Dahlin B.H, Leyden B.W.  1996.  Holocene climatic and human influences on lakes of the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico: An interdisciplinary, palaeolimnological approach. Holocene. 6(3):273-287.
Islebe G.A, Hooghiemstra H., Brenner M., Curtis J.H, Hodell D.A.  1996.  A Holocene vegetation history from lowland Guatemala. Holocene. 6(3):265-271.
Rosenmeier M.F, Hodell D.A, Brenner M., Curtis J.H, Martin J.B, Anselmetti F.S, Ariztegui D., Guilderson T.P.  2002.  Influence of Vegetation Change on Watershed Hydrology: Implications for Paleoclimatic Interpretation of Lacustrine d180 Records. Journal of Paleolimnology. 27:117-131.
Curtis J.H, Brenner M., Hodell D.A, Balser R.A, Islebe G.A, Hooghiemstra H..  1998.  A multi-proxy study of Holocene environmental change in the Maya lowlands of Peten, Guatemala. Journal of Paleolimnology. 19(2):139-159.
Hodell D.A, Brenner M., Kanfoush S.L, Curtis J.H, Stoner J.S, Song X.L, Yuan W., Whitmore T.J.  1999.  Paleoclimate of Southwestern China for the past 50,000 yr inferred from lake sediment records. Quaternary Research. 52(3):369-380.
Hodell D.A, Curtis J.H, Brenner M..  1995.  Possible Role of Climate in the Collapse of Classic Maya Civilization. Nature. 375(6530):391-394.
Brenner M., Leyden B.W, Curtis J.H, Medina-Gonzalez R.M, Dahlin B.H.  2000.  Un registro de 8,000 anos del paleoclima del noroeste de Yucatan, Mexico. Revista de la Universidad Autonoma de Yucatan. 15(213):52-65.