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N. S. Khan, Ashe, E., Moyer, R. P., Kemp, A. C., Engelhart, S. E., Brain, M. J., Toth, L. T., Chappel, A., Christie, M., Kopp, R. E., and Horton, B. P., Relative sea-level change in South Florida during the past ~5000 years, Global and Planetary Change, vol. 216, p. 103902, 2022.
A. D. Hawkes, Kemp, A. C., Donnelly, J. P., Horton, B. P., W. Peltier, R., Cahill, N., Hill, D. F., Ashe, E., and Alexander, C. R., Relative sea-level change in northeastern Florida (USA) during the last ∼8.0 ka, Quaternary Science Reviews, vol. 142, pp. 90 - 101, 2016.
A. C. Kemp, Wright, A. J., Edwards, R. J., Barnett, R. L., Brain, M. J., Kopp, R. E., Cahill, N., Horton, B. P., Charman, D. J., Hawkes, A. D., Hill, T. D., and van de Plassche, O., Relative sea-level change in Newfoundland, Canada during the past ∼3000 years, Quaternary Science Reviews, vol. 201, pp. 89 - 110, 2018.
A. C. Kemp, Hawkes, A. D., Donnelly, J. P., Vane, C. H., Horton, B. P., Hill, T. D., Anisfeld, S. C., Parnell, A. C., and Cahill, N., Relative sea-level change in Connecticut (USA) during the last 2200 yrs, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, vol. 428, pp. 217 - 229, 2015.
M. J. Gerlach, Engelhart, S. E., Kemp, A. C., Moyer, R. P., Smoak, J. M., Bernhardt, C. E., and Cahill, N., Reconstructing Common Era relative sea-level change on the Gulf Coast of Florida, Marine Geology, vol. 390, pp. 254 - 269, 2017.