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Journal Article
Kelsey HM, Witter RC, Engelhart SE, Briggs R, Nelson A, Haeussler P, D. Corbett R.  2015.  Beach ridges as paleoseismic indicators of abrupt coastal subsidence during subduction zone earthquakes, and implications for Alaska-Aleutian subduction zone paleoseismology, southeast coast of the Kenai Peninsula, Alaska. Megathrust Earthquakes and Sea-level Change: a Tribute to George Plafker. 113:147-158.
Gold RD, DuRoss CB, Delano JE, Jibson RW, Briggs RW, Mahan SA, Williams RA, D. Corbett R.  2019.  Four Major Holocene Earthquakes on the Reelfoot Fault Recorded by Sackungen in the New Madrid Seismic Zone, USA. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth. 124(3):3105-3126.
Culver SJ, Pre CAGrand, Mallinson DJ, Riggs SR, D. Corbett R, Foley J, Hale M, Metger L, Ricardo J, Rosenberger J et al..  2007.  Late Holocene barrier island collapse; Outer Banks, North Carolina, USA. The Sedimentary Record. 5(4):4-8.
Pre CGrand, Culver SJ, Mallinson DJ, Farrell KM, D. Corbett R, Horton BP, Hillier C, Riggs SR, Snyder SW, Buzas MA.  2011.  Rapid Holocene coastal change revealed by high-resolution micropaleontological analysis, Pamlico Sound, North Carolina, USA. Quaternary Research. 76(3):319-334.
Kemp AC, Horton BP, Vane CH, Bernhardt CE, D. Corbett R, Engelhart SE, Anisfeld SC, Parnell AC, Cahill N.  2013.  Sea-level change during the last 2500 years in New Jersey, USA. Quaternary Science Reviews. 81:90-104.
Briggs RW, Engelhart SE, Nelson AR, Dura T, Kemp AC, Haeussler PJ, D. Corbett R, Angster SJ, Bradley L-A.  2014.  Uplift and subsidence reveal a nonpersistent megathrust rupture boundary (Sitkinak Island, Alaska). Geophysical Research Letters. 41(7):2289-2296.