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Valencia B.G, Urrego D.H, Silman M.R, Bush M.B.  2010.  From ice age to modern: a record of landscape change in an Andean cloud forest. Journal of Biogeography. 37(9):1637-1647.
von Reden KF.  2010.  Future of the NOSAMS Tandetron AMS system. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms. 268(7-8):854-857.
Roberts M.L, Burton J.R, Elder K.L, Longworth B.E, McIntyre C.P, von Reden K.F, Han B.X, Rosenheim B.E, Jenkins W.J, Galutschek E. et al..  2010.  A High-Performance (14)c Accelerator Mass Spectrometry System. Radiocarbon. 52(2):228-235.
Gracia E, Vizcaino A, Escutia C, Asioli A, Rodes A, Pallas R, Garcia-Orellana J, Lebreiro S, Goldfinger C.  2010.  Holocene earthquake record offshore Portugal (SW Iberia): testing turbidite paleoseismology in a slow-convergence margin. Quaternary Science Reviews. 29(9-10):1156-1172.
Putnam A.E, Schaefer J.M, Barrell D.JA, Vandergoes M., Denton G.H, Kaplan M.R, Finkel R.C, Schwartz R., Goehring B.M, Kelley S.E.  2010.  In situ cosmogenic (10)Be production-rate calibration from the Southern Alps, New Zealand RID D-4720-2011. Quaternary Geochronology. 5(4):392-409.
Putnam A.E, Schaefer J.M, Barrell D.JA, Vandergoes M., Denton G.H, Kaplan M.R, Finkel R.C, Schwartz R., Goehring B.M, Kelley S.E.  2010.  In situ cosmogenic Be-10 production-rate calibration from the Southern Alps, New Zealand. QUATERNARY GEOCHRONOLOGY. 5:392-409.
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Jenkins W.J, Elder K.L, McNichol A.P, von Reden K..  2010.  The Passage of the Bomb Radiocarbon Pulse into the Pacific Ocean. Radiocarbon. 52(3):1182-1190.
Vonk J.E, van Dongen B.E, Gustafsson O..  2010.  Selective preservation of old organic carbon fluvially released from sub-Arctic soils. Geophysical Research Letters. 37
Vonk J.E, van Dongen B.E, Gustafsson O..  2010.  Selective preservation of old organic carbon fluvially released from sub-Arctic soils. Geophysical Research Letters. 37
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Hillyer R., Valencia B.G, Bush M.B, Silman M.R, Steinitz-Kannan M..  2009.  A 24,900-year paleolimnological history from the Peruvian Andes. Quaternary Research. 71:71-82.
Povinec P.P, Litherland A.E, von Reden K.F.  2009.  Developments in Radiocarbon Technologies: From the Libby Counter to Compound-Specific Ams Analyses. Radiocarbon. 51(1):45-78.
Russell JM, McCoy S.J, Verschuren D., Bessems I., Huang Y..  2009.  Human impacts, climate change, and aquatic ecosystem response during the past 2000 yr at Lake Wandakara, Uganda. Quaternary Research. 72(3):315-324.
Putnam A.E, Schaefer J.M, Barrell D.JA, Vandergoes M., Denton G.H, Kaplan M.R, Finkel R.C, Schwartz R., Goehring B.M, Kelley S.E.  2009.  In situ cosmogenic 10Be production-rate calibration from the Southern Alps, New Zealand. Quaternary Geochronology.
Reimer P.J, Baillie M.GL, Bard E., Bayliss A., Beck J.W, Blackwell P.G, C. Ramsey B, Buck C.E, Burr G.S, Edwards R.L et al..  2009.  Intcal09 and Marine09 Radiocarbon Age Calibration Curves, 0-50,000 Years Cal Bp Rid F-4952-2011 Rid B-7298-2008. Radiocarbon. 51(4):1111-1150.
Barker S., Diz P., Vautravers M.J, Pike J., Knorr G., Hall I.R, Broecker W.S.  2009.  Interhemispheric Atlantic seesaw response during the last deglaciation. Nature. 457(7233):1097-102.
Baker P.A, Fritz S.C, Burns S.J, Ekdahl E., Rigsby C.A.  2009.  The nature and origin of decadal to millennial scale climate variability in the southern tropics of South America. Past Climate Variability from the Last Glacial Maximum to the Holocene in South America and Surrounding Regions. :301-322.
Goñi M.A, Aceves H., Benitez-Nelson B., Tappa E., Thunell R., Black D.E, Muller-Karger F., Astor Y., Varela R..  2009.  Oceanographic and climatologic controls on the compositions and fluxes of biogenic materials in the water column and sediments of the Cariaco Basin over the Late Holocene. Deep-Sea Research Part I-Oceanographic Research Papers. 56(4):614-640.
Russell J., Eggermont H., Taylor R., Verschuren D..  2009.  Paleolimnological records of recent glacier recession in the Rwenzori Mountains, Uganda-D. R. Congo. Journal of Paleolimnology. 41(2):253-271.
Syvitski J.PM, Kettner A.J, Overeem I., Hutton E.WH, Hannon M.T, Brakenridge G.R, Day J., Vorosmarty C., Saito Y., Giosan L. et al..  2009.  Sinking deltas due to human activities. Nature Geoscience. 2(10):681-686.
Robinson L.F, van de Flierdt T..  2009.  Southern Ocean evidence for reduced export of North Atlantic Deep Water during Heinrich event 1. Geology. 37(3):195-198.
Jacinto G.S, David L.T, Peleo-Alampay A.M, San Diego-McGlone M.L, Siringan F.P, Villanoy C.L.  2009.  Terminal Report: Nutrient and Carbon Biogeochemistry of the Sulu Sea (Project No. 96/01/CW).
