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Kemp AC, Horton BP, Vane CH, Bernhardt CE, D. Corbett R, Engelhart SE, Anisfeld SC, Parnell AC, Cahill N.  2013.  Sea-level change during the last 2500 years in New Jersey, USA. Quaternary Science Reviews. 81:90-104.
Kemp AC, Wright AJ, Barnett RL, Hawkes AD, Charman DJ, Sameshima C, King AN, Mooney HC, Edwards RJ, Horton BP et al..  2017.  Utility of salt-marsh foraminifera, testate amoebae and bulk-sediment δ13C values as sea-level indicators in Newfoundland, Canada. Marine Micropaleontology. 130:43-59.
Kemp AC, Bernhardt CE, Horton BP, Kopp RE, Vane CH, W. Peltier R, Hawkes AD, Donnelly JP, Parnell AC, Cahill N.  2014.  Late Holocene sea- and land-level change on the U.S. southeastern Atlantic coast. Marine Geology. 357:90-100.
Kemp AC, Vane CH, Khan NS, Ellison JC, Engelhart SE, Horton BP, Nikitina D, Smith SR, Rodrigues LJ, Moyer RP.  2019.  Testing the Utility of Geochemical Proxies to Reconstruct Holocene Coastal Environments and Relative Sea Level: A Case Study from Hungry Bay, Bermuda. Open Quaternary. 5
Kemp AC, Bernhardt CE, Horton BP, Kopp RE, Vane CH, W. Peltier R, Hawkes AD, Donnelly JP, Parnell AC, Cahill N.  2014.  Late Holocene sea- and land-level change on the U.S. southeastern Atlantic coast. Marine Geology. 357:90-100.
Kemp AC, Horton BP, Nikitina D, Vane CH, Potapova M, Weber-Bruya E, Culver SJ, Repkina T, Hill DF.  2017.  The distribution and utility of sea-level indicators in Eurasian sub-Arctic salt marshes (White Sea, Russia). Boreas. 46(3):562-584.
Kemp AC, Hawkes AD, Donnelly JP, Vane CH, Horton BP, Hill TD, Anisfeld SC, Parnell AC, Cahill N.  2015.  Relative sea-level change in Connecticut (USA) during the last 2200 yrs. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 428:217-229.
Kemp AC, Wright AJ, Edwards RJ, Barnett RL, Brain MJ, Kopp RE, Cahill N, Horton BP, Charman DJ, Hawkes AD et al..  2018.  Relative sea-level change in Newfoundland, Canada during the past ∼3000 years. Quaternary Science Reviews. 201:89-110.