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Dorion C.C.  1994.  Chronology, sedimentology, and faunal assemblages of glaciomarine sediments in Maine. Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs. 25(2):12.
Weddle T.K, Lowell T.V, Dorion C.C.  1994.  Glacial geology of the Penobscot River basin between Millinocket and Medway (Book Section). New England Intercollegiate Geological Conference Guidebook for Field Trips in North Central Maine. :193-212.
Thompson W.B, Fowler B.K, Flanagan S.M, Dorion C.C.  1996.  Recession of the late Wisconsinan Ice Sheet from the northwestern White Mountains, New Hampshire (Book Section). New England Intercollegiate Geological Conference Guidebook for Field Trips in Northern New Hampshire and Adjacent regions of Maine and Vermont. :203-234.
Dorion C.C, Balco G., Kaplan M.R, Kreutz K.J, Wright J., Borns H.W.  2001.  Stratigraphy, paleoceanography, chronology, and paleoenvironment during deglaciation of eastern Maine, Report. Deglacial History and Relative Sea Level Changes, Northern New England and adjacent Canada. 242:215.