Schumann R.R, Machette M.N.
Chapter F--Late Pleistocene to early Holocene paleoecology of the "Mr. Peat" wetland deposit, Alamosa County, Colorado. Quaternary geology of the San Luis Basin, southern Colorado and Northern New Mexico--Rocky Mountain Section Friends of the Pleistocene Guidebook: U. S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2007-1193.
Schumann R.R, Machette M.N.
Chapter F--Late Pleistocene to early Holocene paleoecology of the "Mr. Peat" wetland deposit, Alamosa County, Colorado. Quaternary geology of the San Luis Basin, southern Colorado and Northern New Mexico--Rocky Mountain Section Friends of the Pleistocene Guidebook: U. S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2007-1193.