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Bennett M, Volckens J, Stanglmaier R, McNichol AP, Ellenson WD, Lewis CW.  2008.  Biodiesel effects on particulate radiocarbon (C-14) emissions from a diesel engine. JOURNAL OF AEROSOL SCIENCE. 39:667-678.
Erlandson JM, Rick TC, Vellanoweth RL.  2008.  A canyon through time : archaeology, history, and ecology of the Tecolote Canyon area, Santa Barbara County, California.
van Dongen B.E, Semiletov I., Weijers J.WH, Gustafsson O.R.  2008.  Contrasting lipid biomarker composition of terrestrial organic matter exported from across the Eurasian Arctic by the five great Russian Arctic rivers. Global Biogeochemical Cycles. 22(1)
Vandergoes M.J, Dieffenbacher-Krall A.C, Newnham R.M, Denton G.H, Blaauw M..  2008.  Cooling and changing seasonality in the Southern Alps, New Zealand during the Antarctic Cold Reversal. Quaternary Science Reviews. 27(5-6):589-601.
Rick TC, Walker PL, Willis LM, Noah AC, Erlandson JM, Vellanoweth RL, Braje TJ, Kennett DJ.  2008.  Dogs, humans and island ecosystems: the distribution, antiquity and ecology of domestic dogs (Canis familiaris) on California's Channel Islands, USA. Holocene. 18(7):1077-1087.
Erlandson JM, Rick TC, Braje TJ, Steinberg A, Vellanoweth RL.  2008.  Human impacts on ancient shellfish: a 10,000 year record from San Miguel Island, California. Journal of Archaeological Science. 35(8):2144-2152.
von Reden K.F, Roberts M.L, Jenkins W.J, Rosenheim B.E, McNichol A.P, Schneider R.J.  2008.  Software development for continuous-gas-flow AMS. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms. 266(10):2233-2237.
Mollenhauer G., Inthorn M., Vogt T., Zabel M., Damste J.SS, Eglinton T.I.  2007.  Aging of marine organic matter during cross-shelf lateral transport in the Benguela upwelling system revealed by compound-specific radiocarbon dating. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems. 8
von Reden K., Zhang M., Meigs M., Sichel E., Fang S., Baughman R..  2007.  Carbon nanotube foils for electron stripping in tandem accelerators. Nucl. Inst. & Meth. in Physics Research B.. 261:48-48.
Han B.X, Southon J.R, Roberts M.L, von Reden K.F.  2007.  Computer simulation of MC-SNICS for performance improvements. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms. 261(1-2):588-593.
Wetter L., Verosub K., Russell J..  2007.  Detection of silica-mediated dissolution of magnetic grains in sediments using FORC diagrams. Geophysical Research Letters. 34(12)
Han B.X, von Reden K.F, Roberts M.L, Schneider R.J, Hayes J.M, Jenkins W.J.  2007.  Electromagnetic field modeling and ion optics calculations for a continuous-flow AMS system. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms. 259(1):111-117.
Liu J.P, Xu K.H, Li A.C, Milliman J.D, Velozzi D.M, Xiao S.B, Yang Z.S.  2007.  Flux and fate of Yangtze river sediment delivered to the East China Sea. Geomorphology. 85(3-4):208-224.
Rick TC, Erlandson JM, Braje TJ, Estes J, Graham M, Vellanoweth R.  2007.  Historical ecology and human impacts on coastal ecosystems of the Santa Barbara Channel region, California. Ancient Human Impacts on Marine Environments: A Global Perspective.
Marchitto T.M, Lehman S.J, Ortiz J.D, Fluckiger J., van Geen A..  2007.  Marine radiocarbon evidence for the mechanism of deglacial atmospheric CO2 rise. Science. 316(5830):1456-9.
Altabet M.A, Varekamp J.C.  2007.  The nitrogen isotope biogeochemistry of Long Island Sound; insights into mechanisms of 15N enrichment in eutrophication-impacted estuaries. ASLO Meeting.
Roberts M.L, Schneider R.J, von Reden K.F, Wills J.SC, Han B.X, Hayes J.M, Rosenheim B.E, Jenkins W.J.  2007.  Progress on a gas-accepting ion source for continuous-flow accelerator mass spectrometry. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms. 259(1):83-87.
Patrut A., von Reden K.F, Pohlman J.W, Wittmann R., Mitchell C.S, Lowy D.A, Alberts A.H, Gerlach D., Xu L..  2007.  Radiocarbon dating of a very large African baobab. Tree Physiology. 27(11):1569-1574.
Cronin T.M, Vogt P.R, Willard D.A, Thunell R., Halka J., Berke M., Pohlman J..  2007.  Rapid sea level rise and ice sheet response to 8,200-year climate event. Geophysical Research Letters. 34(20)
von Reden K., Roberts M., Han B., Schneider R., Wills J..  2007.  Searching for a suitable gas ion source for C-14 accelerator mass spectrometry. Preceeding of PNNIB-11 (9/2006). A.I.P. Preceedings Series(in press)
Maloof A.C, Kopp R.E, Grotzinger J.P, Fike D.A, Bosak T., Vali H., Poussart P.M, Weiss B.P, Kirschvink J.L.  2007.  Sedimentary iron cycling and the origin and preservation of magnetization in platform carbonate muds, Andros Island, Bahamas. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 259(3-4):581-598.
Russell J.M, Verschuren D., Eggermont H..  2007.  Spatial complexity of 'Little Ice Age' climate in East Africa: sedimentary records from two crater lake basins in western Uganda. Holocene. 17(2):183-193.
