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Journal Article
Loomis SE, Russell JM, Verschuren D, Morrill C, De Cort G, Damsté JSSinning, Olago D, Eggermont H, F. Street-Perrott A, Kelly MA.  2017.  The tropical lapse rate steepened during the Last Glacial Maximum. Science Advances. 3(1):e1600815.
Axford Y, Levy LB, Kelly MA, Francis DR, Hall BL, Langdon PG, Lowell TV.  2017.  Timing and magnitude of early to middle Holocene warming in East Greenland inferred from chironomids. Boreas. 4611126123715949514747452279282108875423653331285492025312166523481473253855431029263383391243655482254028102024461441564827316(4):678-687.
McFarlin JM, Axford Y, Osburn MR, Kelly MA, Osterberg EC, Farnsworth LB.  2018.  Pronounced summer warming in northwest Greenland during the Holocene and Last Interglacial. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 115(25):6357-6362.
Lowell TV, Hall BL, Kelly MA, Bennike O, Lusas AR, Honsaker W, Smith CA, Levy LB, Travis S, Denton GH.  2013.  Late Holocene expansion of Istorvet ice cap, Liverpool Land, east Greenland. Quaternary Science Reviews. 63:128-140.
G. Lasher E, Axford Y, McFarlin JM, Kelly MA, Osterberg EC, Berkelhammer MB.  2017.  Holocene temperatures and isotopes of precipitation in Northwest Greenland recorded in lacustrine organic materials. Quaternary Science Reviews. 170:45-55.
Farnsworth LB, Kelly MA, Bromley GRM, Axford Y, Osterberg EC, Howley JA, Jackson MS, Zimmerman SR.  2018.  Holocene history of the Greenland Ice-Sheet margin in Northern Nunatarssuaq, Northwest Greenland. arktos. 4(1)
Levy LB, Kelly MA, Lowell TV, Hall BL, Hempel LA, Honsaker WM, Lusas AR, Howley JA, Axford YL.  2014.  Holocene fluctuations of Bregne ice cap, Scoresby Sund, east Greenland: a proxy for climate along the Greenland Ice Sheet margin. APEX II: Arctic Palaeoclimate and its Extremes. 92:357-368.
Lusas AR, Hall BL, Lowell TV, Kelly MA, Bennike O, Levy LB, Honsaker W.  2017.  Holocene climate and environmental history of East Greenland inferred from lake sediments. Journal of Paleolimnology. 57(4):321-341.