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Journal Article
Smith C.G, Culver S.J, Mallinson D.J, Riggs S.R, Corbett D.R.  2009.  Using foraminifera to recognize former flood-tide deltas in the Holocene stratigraphic record: examples from the Outer Banks, North Carolina. Stratigraphy. 6:61-78.
Kemp A.C, Horton B.P, Culver S.J, Corbett D.R, van de Plassche O., Gehrels W.R, Douglas B.C, Parnell A.C.  2009.  Timing and magnitude of recent accelerated sea-level rise (North Carolina, United States). Geology. 37(11):1035-1038.
Kirwan M.L, Murray A.B, Donnelly J.P, Corbett D.R.  2011.  Rapid wetland expansion during European settlement and its implication for marsh survival under modern sediment delivery rates. Geology. 39(5):507-510.
Mallinson D., Riggs S., Culver S., Thieler R., Foster D.R, Corbett D.R, Farrell K., J W.  2005.  Late neogene and quaternary evolution of the northern Albermarle Embayment (mid-Atlantic continental margin, USA). Marine Geology. 217:97-117.
Culver S.J, Ames D.V, Corbett D.R, Mallinson D.J, Riggs S.R, Smith C.G, Vance D.J.  2006.  Foraminiferal and sedimentary record of Late Holocene barrier island evolution, Pea Island, North Carolina: The role of storm overwash, inlet processes, and anthropogenic modification. Journal of Coastal Research. 22(4):836-846.
Rossi V., Horton B.P, Corbett D.R, Leorri E., Perez-Belmonte L., Douglas B.C.  2011.  The application of foraminifera to reconstruct the rate of 20th century sea level rise, Morbihan Golfe, Brittany, France. Quaternary Research. 75(1):24-35.