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J. P. Donnelly and Woodruff, J. D., Intense hurricane activity over the past 5,000 years controlled by El Nino and the West African monsoon, Nature, vol. 447, no. 7143, pp. 465-8, 2007.
J. P. Donnelly, Cleary, P., Newby, P., and Ettinger, R., Coupling instrumental and geological records of sea-level change: Evidence from southern New England of an increase in the rate of sea-level rise in the late 19th century, Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 31, no. 5, 2004.
J. P. Donnelly and Bertness, M. D., Rapid shoreward encroachment of salt marsh cordgrass in response to accelerated sea-level rise, Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, vol. 98, no. 25, pp. 14218-23, 2001.
J. P. Donnelly, Evidence of past intense tropical cyclones from backbarrier salt pond sediments: A case study from Isla de Culebrita, Puerto Rico, USA, Journal of Coastal Research, vol. SI42, pp. 201-210, 2005.
J. P. Donnelly, Butler, J., Roll, S., Wengren, M., and Webb, T., A backbarrier overwash record of intense storms from Brigantine, New Jersey, Marine Geology, vol. 210, no. 1-4, pp. 107-121, 2004.
J. P. Donnelly, Driscoll, N., Uchupi, E., Keigwin, L., Schwab, W., Thieler, E. R., and Swift, S., Catastrophic meltwater discharge down the Hudson River Valley: A potential trigger for the Intra-Allerod cold period, Geology, vol. 33, pp. 89-92, 2005.
J. P. Donnelly and Giosan, L., Research focus - Tempestuous highs and lows in the Gulf of Mexico, Geology, vol. 36, no. 9, pp. 751-752, 2008.
J. P. Donnelly, Roll, S., Wengren, M., Butler, J., Lederer, R., and Webb, T., Sedimentary evidence of intense hurricane strikes from New Jersey, Geology, vol. 29, no. 7, pp. 615-618, 2001.