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Cui X, Bianchi TS, Savage C.  2017.  Erosion of modern terrestrial organic matter as a major component of sediments in fjords. Geophysical Research Letters. 442824441945245112168105110293225215662639493436151675187268234320723424507431438414191121427211539259(345355903755111181-21212316171193141-2182341):1457-1465.
Bianchi TS, Butman D, Raymond PA, Ward ND, Kates RJS, Flessa KW, Zamora H, Arellano AR, Ramirez J, Rodriguez E.  2017.  The experimental flow to the Colorado River delta: Effects on carbon mobilization in a dry watercourse. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 122(3):607-627.