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Stanley D.J, Chen Z..  2000.  Radiocarbon dates in China's Holocene Yangtze delta: record of sediment storage and reworking, not timing of deposition. Journal Coastal Res.. 16(4):1126-1132.
Colman S.M, Bratton J.F, Baucom P.C.  2000.  Radiocarbon dating of Marion-Dufresne cores MD99-2204, 2207, and 2209, Chesapeake Bay. Initial Report on IMAGES V Cruise of the Marion-Dufresne to the Chesapeake Bay June 20-22, 1999. Open-File Report 00-306:72-77.
Stanley D.J.  2000.  Radiocarbon dating the artifically contained surfaces of the Rhone deltaic plain, southern France. Journal Coastal Res.. 16(4):1157-1161.
Schneider R.J, McNichol A.P, von Reden K.F, Elder K.L, Gagnon A.R, Key R.M, Quay P.D, Schlosser P.M.  2000.  The radiocarbon gradient at the Antarctic Polar Front. AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting.
McCorkle D.C, Gramling C.M, Mulligan A.E, Woods T.L, Lott D.E.  2000.  Radiocarbon-Based Estimates of the Groundwater Contribution to Estuarine Freshwater Budgets: An Example from Pages Creek, North Carolina. EOS. 81(19):S249.
Rodbell D.T, Seltzer G.O.  2000.  Rapid ice margin fluctuations during the Bolling/Allerod and Younger Dryas intervals in the Peruvian Andes. Quaternary Research. 54:328-338.
Rodbell D.T, Seltzer G.O.  2000.  Rapid ice margin fluctuations during the Younger Dryas in the tropical Andes. Quaternary Research. 54(3):328-338.
Valero-Garces B.L, Navas A., Machin J., Stevenson T., Davis B..  2000.  Responces of a saline lake ecosystems in semi-arid regions to irrigation and climate variability. The history of Salada Chiprana, Central Ebro Basin, Spain. Ambio. (344-350)
Goodfriend G.A, Ellis G.L, Toolin L.J.  1999.  Radiocarbon age anomalies in land snail shells from Texas: Ontogenetic, individual, and geographic patterns of variation. Radiocarbon. 41(2):149-156.
Biondi F..  1999.  Radiocarbon analysis of Pinus lagunae tree rings: Implications for tropical dendrochronology. Radiocarbon. 41(3):241-249.
Goodfriend G.A, Stanley D.J.  1999.  Rapid strand-plain accretion in the northeastern Nile Delta in the 9th century A. D. and the demise of the port of Pelusium. Geology. 27:147-150.
Sonnerup R.E, Quay P.D, McNichol A.P, Bullister J.L, Westby T.A, Anderson H.L.  1999.  Reconstructing the oceanic 13C Suess effect. Global Biogeochemical Cycles. 13:857-872.
Rashid H., Hesse R., Piper D.JW.  1999.  Records of Heinrich Events at the confluence of the distal Northwest Atlantic Mid-Ocean Channel, and the Immarssauk Mid-Ocean Channel of the North Atlantic, Europ. Union. Geoscience 10th Annual Meeting. Abstract 4:173.
Bao R., Santos L., Sanchez-Goni M.F.  1999.  Registro micropaleontologico de los cambios naturales y antropicos (500 anos BP-presente) en us ecosistema de lagoon (Doninos, NO Peninsula Iberica). Actas XV Jornadas Sociedad Espanola de Paleontologia. Temas Geologico-Mineros ITGE, 26, Madrid:182-185.
Gutierrez B.T, Aubrey D.G, Driscoll N.W, Uchupi E..  1999.  Relative Sea-Level Rise and the Development of Channel-Fill and Shallow-Water Sequences on Cape Cod, Massachusetts. American Geophysical Union, Spring Meeting.
Johnson T.J, Rasmussen K.A, Romanovsky V.V.  1999.  Research of natural processes taking place in Issyk-Kul Lake and Issyk-Kul Hollow by means of isotopic methods. Science and New Technologies. (Special Issue No. 1):86-91.
Kaplan M.F.  1999.  Retreat of a tidewater margin of the Laurentide ice sheet in eastern coastal Maine ca. 14 to 13,000 14C yrs BP. Geological Society of America Bulletin. 111:620-633.
Kerwin M.W, Overpeck J.T, Webb R.S, DeVernal A., Rind D.H, Healy R.J.  1999.  The role of oceanic forcing in mid-Holocene Northern Hemisphere climatic change. Paleoceanography. 14(2):200-210.
