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E. Bullion, Maksudov, F., Henry, E. R., Merkle, A., and Frachetti, M., Community practice and religion at an Early Islamic cemetery in highland Central Asia, Antiquity, vol. 96, no. 387, pp. 628 - 645, 2022.
E. Bullion, Maksudov, F., Henry, E. R., Merkle, A., and Frachetti, M., Community practice and religion at an Early Islamic cemetery in highland Central Asia, Antiquity, vol. 96, no. 387, pp. 628 - 645, 2022.
A. Patrut, von Reden, K. F., Lowy, D. A., Mayne, D. H., Elder, K. E., Roberts, M. L., and McNichol, A. P., Comparative AMS radiocarbon dating of pretreated versus non-pretreated tropical wood samples, Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, vol. 268, no. 7-8, pp. 910-913, 2010.
A. Patrut, von Reden, K. F., Lowy, D. A., Mayne, D. H., Elder, K. E., Roberts, M. L., and McNichol, A. P., Comparative AMS radiocarbon dating of pretreated versus non-pretreated tropical wood samples, Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, vol. 268, no. 7-8, pp. 910-913, 2010.
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D. B. Klinedinst, McNichol, A. P., Currie, L. A., Schneider, R. J., Klouda, G. A., vonReden, K. F., Verkouteren, R. M., and Jones, G. A., Comparative-Study of Fe-C Bead and Graphite Target Performance with the National-Ocean-Science-Ams (Nosams) Facility Recombinator Ion-Source, Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, vol. 92, no. 1-4, pp. 166-171, 1994.
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E. T. Peltzer, Fry, B., Doering, P. H., McKenna, J. H., Norrman, B., and Zweifel, U. L., A comparison of methods for the measurement of dissolved organic carbon in natural waters, Marine Chemistry, vol. 54, no. 1-2, pp. 85-96, 1996.
A. G. Yanchilina, Ryan, W. B. F., McManus, J. F., Dimitrov, P., Dimitrov, D., Slavova, K., and Filipova-Marinova, M., Compilation of geophysical, geochronological, and geochemical evidence indicates a rapid Mediterranean-derived submergence of the Black Sea's shelf and subsequent substantial salinification in the early Holocene, Marine Geology, vol. 383, pp. 14 - 34, 2017.
C. J. Hein, FitzGerald, D. M., de Souza, L. H. P., Georgiou, I. Y., Buynevich, I. V., Klein, A. H. da F., de Menezes, ãoThadeu, Cleary, W. J., and Scolaro, T. L., Complex coastal change in response to autogenic basin infilling: An example from a sub-tropical Holocene strandplain, Sedimentology, vol. 63, no. 6, pp. 1362 - 1395, 2016.
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T. I. Eglinton, Pearson, A., McNichol, A. P., Currie, L. A., Benner, B. A., and Wise, S. A., Compound specific radiocarbon analysis as a tool to quantitatively apportion modern and fossil sources of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in environmental matrices., Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, vol. 212, no. 2, p. 65-Envr, 1996.
G. Mollenhauer, Eglinton, T. I., Schneider, R. R., Meggers, H., Lamy, F., Ohkouchi, N., and Hayes, J. M., Compound specific radiocarbon dating of alkenones: methodological considerations and applications in paleoceanography, in 18th International Radiocarbon Conference, Wellington, New Zealand, 2003.
G. Mollenhauer, Eglinton, T. I., Schneider, R. R., Meggers, H., Lamy, F., Ohkouchi, N., and Hayes, J. M., Compound specific radiocarbon dating of alkenones: methodological considerations and applications in paleoceanography, in 18th International Radiocarbon Conference, Wellington, New Zealand, 2003.
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