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Varekamp J.C, Thomas E..  2006.  The early history of Long Island Sound. The last deglaciation.
Thomas E., Varekamp J.C.  2006.  Environmental impact on LIS from the early colonial society. Long Island Sound Research Conference.
Kennett D.J, Voorhies B., Martorana D..  2006.  An evolutionary model for the origins of agriculture on the Pacific coast of southern Mexico. Behavioral Ecology and the Transition to Agriculture.
Culver S.J, Ames D.V, Corbett D.R, Mallinson D.J, Riggs S.R, Smith C.G, Vance D.J.  2006.  Foraminiferal and sedimentary record of Late Holocene barrier island evolution, Pea Island, North Carolina: The role of storm overwash, inlet processes, and anthropogenic modification. Journal of Coastal Research. 22(4):836-846.
Varekamp J.C, Thomas E., Lewis R., Altabet M..  2006.  The formation history of Long Island Sound. Long Island Sound Research Conference.
Varekamp J.C.  2006.  The historical fur trade and climate change. EOS. 87(52)
Varekamp J.C, Thomas E., Groner M..  2006.  The late Pleistocene-Holocene history of Long Island Sound. LISRC proceedings. :27-32.
Varekamp J.C, Thomas E..  2006.  Long Island Sound - a human dominated estuary. AGU spring meeting, 2006.
Varekamp J.C, Altabet M.A, Thomas C.R.  2006.  Mechanism of 15N enrichment in eutrophication-impacted estuaries. ASLO Ocean Sciences meeting.
Goldoff B., Varekamp J.C, Neupane A..  2006.  Mercury contamination in Connecticut and Long Island Sound from historic hat-making sources. GSA Annual Meeting.
Varekamp J.C.  2006.  Mercury contamination in Long Island Sounds, USA, from the historic hat-making industry. ISEG7 meeting.
Varekamp TE, Avener J.C.  2006.  Multiproxy records of eutrophication in Long Island Sound. GSA Annual Meeting.
Dean W.E, Zheng Y., Ortiz J.D, van Geen A..  2006.  Sediment Cd and Mo accumulation in the oxygen-minimum zone off western Baja California linked to global climate over the past 52 kyr. Paleoceanography. 21(4)
Liu J.P, Li A.C, Xu K.H, Veiozzi D.M, Yang Z.S, Milliman J.D, DeMaster D..  2006.  Sedimentary features of the Yangtze River-derived along-shelf clinoform deposit in the East China Sea. Continental Shelf Research. 26(17-18):2141-2156.
Vizcaino A, Gracia E, Pallas R, Garcia-Orellana J, Escutia C, Casas D, Willmott V, Diez S, Asioli A, Danobeitia J.  2006.  Sedimentology, physical properties and age of mass transport deposits associated with the Marques de Pombal Fault, Southwest Portuguese Margin. Norwegian Journal of Geology. 86:177-186.
Best MMR, Bibeau K, Spitzberg D, Thomas E, Varekamp JC, Bernatis J.  2006.  Shell fragmentation as an indicator of benthic conditions. GSA Annual Meeting.
Thomas E., Varekamp J.C, Mecray E.L, Buchholtzten-Brink M.RL, Cooper S., Brinkhuis H., Sangioirgio F..  2006.  Two ecological shifts in Long Island Sound during the industrial period. Long Island Sound Research Center.
Giosan L., Donnelly J.P, Constantinescu S., Filip F., Ovejanu I., Vespremeanu-Stroe A., Vespremeanu E., Duller G.AT.  2006.  Young Danube delta documents stable Black Sea level since the middle Holocene: Morphodynamic, paleogeographic, and archaeological implications. Geology. 34(9):757-760.
Giosan L., Donnelly J.P, Constantinescu S., Filip F., Ovejanu I., Vespremeanu-Stroe A., Vespremeanu E., Duller G.AT.  2006.  Young Danube delta documents stable Black Sea level since the middle Holocene: Morphodynamic, paleogeographic, and archaeological implications. Geology. 34(9):757-760.
