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Donnelly J.P, Roll S., Wengren M., Butler J., Lederer R., Webb T..  2001.  Sedimentary evidence of intense hurricane strikes from New Jersey. Geology. 29(7):615-618.
von Reden K.F, Schneider R.J.  2001.  A Silent Tandetron AMS System. Proceedings of the 31st SNEAP.
Petsch S.T, Smernik R.J, Eglinton T.I, Oades J.M.  2001.  A solid state 13C NMR study of kerogen degradation during black shale weathering. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta. 65:1867-1882.
Wright E., Harris M.S, Sapp A., Lewis K., Kruse S., Edgar T..  2001.  Stratigraphic Development of a Northeastern South Carolina Barrier Island: Waites Island. Geological Society of America National Meeting, Abstracts with Program. :193.
Dorion C.C, Balco G., Kaplan M.R, Kreutz K.J, Wright J., Borns H.W.  2001.  Stratigraphy, paleoceanography, chronology, and paleoenvironment during deglaciation of eastern Maine, Report. Deglacial History and Relative Sea Level Changes, Northern New England and adjacent Canada. 242:215.
Giuliana T.  2001.  Studi paleoambientali nel settore Pacifico dell'Oceano Meridionale attraverso indagini geochimiche--thesis. Dissertation/Thesis
Goodman A.Y, Rodbell D.T, Seltzer G.O, Mark B.G.  2001.  Subdivision of glacial deposits in southeastern Peru based on pedogenic development and radiometric ages. Quaternary Research. 56(1):31-50.
Koutavas A., Lynch-Stieglitz J., Sachs J.P, Marchitto T.M.  2001.  Thirty thousand year record of climate from the Galapagos Islands and links with high latitudes. EOS. 82(47)
Kowalewski M., Avila-Serrano G.A, Flessa K.W, Goodfriend A.G.  2001.  Time-averaged shell accumulations as records of past levels of marine benthic productivity: Implications for conservation biology and ecosystem restoration efforst. North American Paleontologial Convention, Programs and Abstracts. 21 (supple. no. 2):80-81.
Carroll M., Kowalewski M., Simoes M.G, Goodfriend G.A.  2001.  Time-Averaging in articulate brachiopod accumulations: A quantitative estimate of temporal resolution from a Holocene tropical shelf (Southern Brazil). North American Paleontological Convention, Programs and Abstracts. 21 (supple. no. 2):40.
Baker P.A, Rigsby C.A, Seltzer G.O, Fritz S.C, Lowenstein T.K, Bacher N.P, Veliz C..  2001.  Tropical climate changes at millennial and orbital timescales on the Bolivian Altiplano. Nature. 409:167-170.
Charles C.D, Rind D., Healy R., Webb R..  2001.  Tropical cooling and the isotopic composition of precipitation in general circulation model simullations of the ice age climate. Climate Dynamics. 17:489-502.
Raymond P.A, Bauer J.E.  2001.  Use of 14C and 13C natural abundances for evaluating riverine, estuarine, and coastal DOC and POC sources and cycling: Review and Synthesis. Org. Geochem. 32:469-485.
Baker M.S, Wilson C.A.  2001.  Use of bomb radiocarbon to validate otolith section ages of red snapper Lutjanus campechanus from the northern Gulf of Mexico. Limnology and Oceanography. 46(7):1819-1824.
Henderson G.M, Slowey N.C, Fleisher M.Q.  2001.  U-Th dating of carbonate platform and slope sediments. Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta. 65(16):2757-2770.
Smittenberg R.H, Hopmans E.C, Eglinton T.I, Hayes J.M, Whiticar M.J, Schouten S., Damsté J.SSinning.  2001.  Validation of compound-specific 14C dating using the varved sedimentary record of Saanich Inlet, Canada. Proceedings of the 20th international meeting on organic geochemistry.
Choi Y., Wang Y., Hsieh Y.P, Robinson L..  2001.  Vegetation succession and carbon sequestration in a coastal wetland in northwestern Florida: evidence from carbon isotopes. Global Biogeochemical Cycles. 15(2):311-319.
Bond G.C, Mandeville C., Hoffmann S..  2001.  Were Rhyolitic Glasses in the Vedde Ash and in the North Atlantic's Ash Zone 1 produced by the Same Volcanic Eruption? Quaternary Science Reviews. 20:118-1199.
