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Cronin T., Willard D., Karlsen A., Ishman S., Verardo S., McGeehin J., Kerhin R., Holmes C., Colman S.M, Zimmerman A..  2000.  Chesapeake Bay sedimentary record of Holocene climatic variability and human ecosystem disturbance. Geology. 28:3-6.
Goodfriend G.A, Halfar J., Godinez-Orta L..  2000.  Chronostratigraphy of sediments in the southern Gulf of California, based on amino acid racemization analysis of mollusks and rhodolith (Book Section). Perspectives in Amino Acid and Protein Geochemistry. :320-330.
Hodell D.A, Brenner M., Curtis J.H.  2000.  Climate change in the northern American tropics since the last ice age: implications for environment and culture (Book Section). Imperfect Balance: Landscape transformations in the Precolumbian Americas. :13-38.
Moreno P.I.  2000.  Climate, fire, and vegetation between about 13,000 and 9,200 14C yr. B. P. Quaternary Research. 54:91-99.
Allen B.D, Anderson R.Y.  2000.  A continuous high-resolution record of late Pleistocene climate variability from the Estacia basin, New Mexico. Geological Society of America Bulletin. 112(9):1444-1458.
Pancost R.D, van Geel B., Baas M., Sinninghe J.SDamste.  2000.  d13C values and radiocarbon dates of microbial biomarkers as tracers fro carbon recycling in peat deposits. Geology. 28:663-666.
Ortiz J., O'Connell S., van Geen A., Party M' Shipboar.  2000.  Deep Sea Sediments off Baja California Reflect Greenland Ice Core climate cycles. Geological Society of America, Annual meeting.
Keigwin L.D, Boyle E.A.  2000.  Detecting holocene changes in thermohaline circulation. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 97(4):1343-6.
Nelson A.R, Jennings A.E.  2000.  Differences in great earthquake rupture extent inferred from tsunami-laid sand and foraminiferal assemblages at Alsea Bay, central Oregon coast. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. 33(7):146.
Ewing HA.  2000.  Ecosystem development and response to climatic change: a comparative study of forest-lake ecosystems on different substrates. Evolution and Behavior.
Goodbred, Jr. S.L, Kuehl S.A.  2000.  Enormous Ganges-Brahmaputra sediment discharge during strengthened early Holocene monsoon. Geology. 28(12):1083-1086.
Winkler M.G, Sanford P.R.  2000.  Environmental changes in the last centure in Little Trout Lake, Inkspot Bay, Great Corn and Little Corn Lakes, Lac du Flambeau Tribal Lands, Wisconsin. Report. Final Report to Water Resources Division, Lac du Flambeau Tribe:44.
Riggs S.R, Rudolph G.L, Ames D.V.  2000.  Erosional scour and geologic evolution of Croatan Sound, northeastern North Caroline: N.C. FHA/NC/2000-02:115.
Ortiz J.D, Mix A.C, Wheeler P., Key R.M.  2000.  An estimate of the anthropogenic offset of oceanic d13CDIC based on the ventilation of the California Current at 42N. Global Biogeochem. Cycles. 14(3):917-930.
Henderson G.M, Slowey N.C.  2000.  Evidence from U-Th dating against Northern Hemisphere forcing of the penultimate deglaciation. Nature. 404(6773):61-6.
Ballard R.D, Coleman D.F, Rosenberg G.D.  2000.  Further evidence of abrupt Holocene drowning of the Black Sea shelf. Marine Geology. 170(3-4):253-261.
Kempthorne R.  2000.  Geochemical and Lithological Records of the Hypsithermal and Nipissing Flood Event from Lake Erie--Thesis. M.S.
Pardinas U.FJ, Tonni E.P.  2000.  A giant vampire (Mammalia, Chiroptera) in the Late Holocene from the Argentinean pampas: paleoenvironmental significance. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology. 160(3-4):213-221.
Oppo DW, Horowitz M.  2000.  Glacial deep water geometry: South Atlantic Benthic foraminiferal Cd/Ca and delta13C evidence. Paleoceanography. 15(2, April 2000):147-160.
Giglio F., Langone L., Ravaioli M., Frignani M., Mangini A., Fonti P..  2000.  Glacial-Interglacial variations in the accumulation rates of major biogenic components in the Southern Pacific Ocean sediments--Abstract. Third International SO-JGOFS Symposium.
Goyet C., Healy R., Ryan J..  2000.  Global Distribution of Total Inorganic Carbon and Total Alkalinity Below the Deepest Winter Mixed Layer Depths. ORNIJCDIAC-127 NDP-076
Damuth J.E, Olson H.C, Moss G..  2000.  Gulf of Mexico Intraslope Basins (BIB) Phase 1 Project Atlas. :110.
Pike J., van Geen A., Beaufort L., Party SScientific.  2000.  High resolution proxy record of late Quaternary climate change from Soledad Basis, northwest Mexico, Abstract. UK Pages.
Colman S.M, King J.W, Jones G.A, Reynolds R.L, Bothner M.H.  2000.  Holocene and recent rates of sediment accumulation in southern Lake Michigan. Quaternary Science Reviews. 19:1563-1580.
Snyder J.A, Werner A., Miller G.H.  2000.  Holocene cirque glacier activity in Western Spitsbergen, Svalbard: sediment records from pro-glacial Linnevatnet. The Holocene. 5:555-563.
