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Davis M., Douglas C., Calcote R., Cole K.L, Winkler M.G, Flakne R..  2000.  Holocene climate in the western Great Lakes national parks and lakeshores: Implications for future climate change. Conservation Biology. 14(4):968-983.
Johnson T.C, Kelts K., Odada E.O.  2000.  The Holocene history of Lake Victoria, East Africa. Ambio. 29:2-11.
Abbott M.B, Wolfe A.P, Aravena R., Wolfe A.P, Seltzer G.O.  2000.  Holocene hydrological reconstructions from stable isotopes and paleolimnology, Cordillera Real, Bolivia. Quarternary Science Reviews. 19(17-18):1801-1820.
MacDonald G.M, Felzer B., Finney B.P, Forman S.L.  2000.  Holocene lake sediment records of Arctic hydrology. Journal of Paleolimnology. 24(1):1-13.
Thompson L.G.  2000.  Ice core evidence for climate change in the Tropics: implications for our future. Quaternary Science Reviews. 19(1-5):19-35.
Thompson L.G, Mosley-Thompson E., Henderson K.A.  2000.  Ice Core Paleoclimate Records in Tropical South America Since the Last Glacial Maximum. Journal of Quaternary Science. 15(4):377-394.
Xu L., Reddy C.M, Farrington J.W, Frysinger G.S, Gaines R.B, Johnson C.G, Nelson R.K, Eglinton T.I.  2000.  Identification of a novel alkenone in Black Sea sediments. Organic Geochemistry. 32:633-645.
Grottoli A.G, Druffel E.RM, Gille S.T, Dunbar R.B.  2000.  Identification of seasonal-to-decadal timescale variations in the zonal currents of the central equatorial Pacific. International Coral Reef Symposium.
Grottoli A.G, Druffel E.RM, Gille S.T, Dunbar R.B.  2000.  Identification of Seasonal-to-Decadal Timescale Variations in the Zonal Currents of the Central Equatorial Pacific Prior to 1955 Using A14C in Coral. EOS. 81(48)
Salvatore I.  2000.  Implementazione di sistemi di datazione con il 14C ed estensione all 'impiego di piccole quantita di materiale, Thesis. Dissertation/Thesis
Sonnerup R.E, Quay P.D, McNichol A.P.  2000.  The Indian Ocean 13C Suess effect. Global Biogeochemical Cycles. 14:903-916.
von Reden K.F, Bellino M., Long P., Schneider R.J, Loger R..  2000.  Installation of a 134-sample MC-SNICS ion source at NOSAMS and first results. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms. 172:247-251.
Seltzer G., Rodbell D., Burns S..  2000.  Isotopic evidence for Late Glacial and Holocene climatic change in the tropical Andes. Geology. 28(35-38)
Kempthorne R.A, Barrera E., Coakley J.P, Palmer D.F.  2000.  Lake Erie: The Impact of Mid-Holocene Flooding by Upper Great Lake Waters. EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union. 81(19):S81.
Valero-Garces B.L.  2000.  Late glacial paleohydrology and vegetational change in Salada Medinana, Central Ebro Basin, Spain. Quarternary International. 73/74:29-46.
Cole K.L, Wahl E.  2000.  A late Holocene pollen record from Torrey Pine State Reserve, California. Quaternary Research. 53:341-351.
Kelly A.R, Dorion C.C, Balco G., Dieffenbacher-Krall A., Garrett P., Locke D., Tolman A..  2000.  Late Pleistocene and Holocene geological evolution of the central Penobscot River Valley: Surficial geology, geoarchaeology, and water supply (Book Section). Guidebook for Field Trips in Coastal and East-Central Maine: NEIGC 92nd Annual Meeting.
Langone L., Giglio F., Ravaioli M., Frignani M., Marozzi G., Rovatti G..  2000.  Late Quaternary sedimentary fluctuations of biogenic fluxes driven by climatic changes in the Southern Ocean--abstract. XXV General Assembly of European Geophysical Society.
Hayes JM.  2000.  Lipids as a Common Interest of Microorganisms and Geochemists (Commentary). Proc. National Academy Sciences USE. 98:14033-14044.
Erickson CL.  2000.  Lomas de ocupacion en los Llanos de Moxos (Book Section). La Arqueologia de las Tierras Bajas. :207-226.
Erickson CL.  2000.  Los caminos prehispanicos de la amazonia boliviana (Book Section). Vias Precolombinas: los caminos, los ingenieros y los viajeros. :15-42.
Currie L.A, Kessler J.D, Marolf J.V, McNichol A.P, Stuart D.R, Donoghue J.C.  2000.  Low-level (submicromole) environmental 14C metrology. Nucl. Instr. and Meth. in Phys. Res.. B(172):440-448.
Huang Y, Dupont L, Sarnthein M, Hayes JM, Eglinton G.  2000.  Mapping of C4 plant input from North West Africa into North East Atlantic Sediments. Geochimica et Cosmochima Acta. 64:3505-3513.
Hinrichs K-U, Pancost RD, Summons RE, G. Sprott D, Sylva SP, Sinninghe-Damste JS, Hayes JM.  2000.  Mass spectra of sn-2hydroxyarchaeol, a Polar-lipid Biomarker for Anaerobic Methanotrophy. Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst.. 1(2000GC000042)
Shaw DM, Epstein S, Hayes JM.  2000.  Memorial to Henry G. Thode, 1910-1997. Geological Society of America Memorials. 31:11-15.
