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Journal Article
Arey J.S, Nelson R.K, Xu L., Reddy C.M.  2005.  Using comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography retention indices to estimate environmental partitioning properties for a complete set of diesel fuel hydrocarbons. Analytical Chemistry. 77(22):7172-7182.
Nelson R.K, Kile B.M, Plata D.L, Sylva S.P, Xu L., Reddy C.M, Gaines R.B, Frysinger G.S, Reichenbach S.E.  2006.  Tracking the weathering of an oil spill with comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography. Environmental Forensics. 7(1):33-44.
Reddy C.M, Xu L., O'Neil G.W, Nelson R.K, Eglinton T.I, Faulkner D.J, Norstrom R., Ross P.S, Tittlemier S.A.  2004.  Radiocarbon evidence for a naturally-produced, bioaccumulation halogenated organic compound. Environmental Science and Technology. 38(7):1992-1997.
Peacock E.E, Arey J.S, DeMello J.A, McNichol A.P, Nelson R.K, Reddy C.M.  2010.  Molecular and Isotopic Analysis of Motor Oil from a Biodiesel-Driven Vehicle. Energy & Fuels. 24:1037-1042.
Xu L., Reddy C.M, Farrington J.W, Frysinger G.S, Gaines R.B, Johnson C.G, Nelson R.K, Eglinton T.I.  2001.  Identification of a novel alkenone in Black Sea sediments. Organic Geochemistry. 32(5):633-645.
Xu L., Reddy C.M, Farrington J.W, Frysinger G.S, Gaines R.B, Johnson C.G, Nelson R.K, Eglinton T.I.  2000.  Identification of a novel alkenone in Black Sea sediments. Organic Geochemistry. 32:633-645.
Slater G.F, Nelson R.K, Kile B.M, Reddy C.M.  2006.  Characterizing biodegration and microbial metabolic activity in situ using natural abundance, molecular-level 14C analysis. Organic Geochemistry. 37:981-989.
Valentine D.L, Reddy C.M, Farwell C., Hill T.M, Pizarro O., Yoerger D.R, Camilli R., Nelson R.K, Peacock E.E, Bagby S.C et al..  2010.  Asphalt volcanoes as a potential source of methane to late Pleistocene coastal waters. Nature Geoscience. 3(5):345-348.