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Hinrichs K.U, Summons R.E, Orphan V., Sylva S.P, Hayes J.M.  2000.  Molecular and isotopic analysis of anaerobic methane-oxidizing communities in marine sediments. Organic Geochemistry. 31(12):1685-1701.
Andrews J.T, Hardardottir J., Helgadottir G., Jennings A.E, Geirsdottir A., Sveinbjornsdottir A.E, Schoolfield S., Kristjansdottir G.B, Smith L.M, Thors K. et al..  2000.  The N and W Iceland Shelf: insights into Last Glacial Maximum ice extent and deglaciation based on acoustic stratigraphy and basal radiocarbon AMS dates. Quaternary Science Reviews. 19(7):619-631.
Cross S.C, Baker P.A, Seltzer G.O, Fritz S.C.  2000.  A New Estimate of the Holocene Lowstand Level of Lake Titicaca and Implications for Tropical Paleohydrology. The Holocene. 10:21-32.
Gagnon A.R, McNichol A.P, Donoghue J.C, Stuart D.R, von Reden K..  2000.  The NOSAMS sample preparation laboratory in the next millenium: Progress after the WOCE program. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms. 172(172):409-415.
Lerperger M., McNichol A.P, Peden J., Gagnon A.R, Elder K.L, Kutschera W., Rom W., Steier P..  2000.  Oceanic uptake of CO2 re-estimated through d13C in WOCE samples. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. B (172)(1-4):501-512.
McNichol AP, Quay PD, Stuart DR, Sonnerup RE, Key RM.  2000.  An Ocean-Wide DIC-13 Data Set. 2000 Ocean Sciences Meeting, San Antonio, TX (USA), 24-28 Jan 2000.
McNichol A.P, Quay P.D, Stuart D.R, Sonnerup R.E, Key R.M.  2000.  An ocean-wide DIC-13 data set. AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting.
Pearson A., Eglinton T.I, McNichol A.P.  2000.  An organic tracer for surface ocean radiocarbon. Paleoceanography. 15(5):541-550.
Mazzullo S.J.  2000.  Organogenic dolomitization in peritidal to deep-sea sediments. Journal of Sedimentary Research. 70(1):10-23.
Delaygue G., Masson V., Jouzel J., Koster R.D, Healy R.J.  2000.  The origin of Antarctic precipitation: a modelling approach. Tellus Series B-Chemical and Physical Meteorology. 52(1):19-36.
Pearson A., Eglinton T.I.  2000.  The origin of n-alkanes in Santa Monica Basin surface sediment: A model based on compount-specific Delta14C and delta13C data. Org. Geochem. 31:1103-1116.
Helz G.R, Adelson J.M, Miller C.V, Cornwell J.C, Hill J.M, Horan M., Walker R.J.  2000.  Osmium isotopes demonstrate distal trnasport of contaminated sediments in Chesapeake Bay. Environmental Science Technology. 34(2528-2534)
Dwyer G.S.  2000.  Ostracode Mg/Ca ratios suggest warmer-than-present early and middle Holocene in the western Arctic Ocean. EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union. 81(4):594.
Nelson A.R, Kelsey H.M, Hemphill-Haley E, Witter R.C.  2000.  OxCal analyses and varve-based sedimentation rates constrain the times of 14C-dated tsunamis in southern Oregon. Abstract for Geological Society of America Penbrose Conference on Great Cascadia Earthquake Tricentennial Seaside. :87.
Morigi C., Capotondi L., Ravaioli M., Giglio F., Turi B., Brilli M., Langone L..  2000.  Paleoceanographic changes in the Southern Ocean (Pacific sector) during the last 14 Ka.--Poster. Third International SO-JGOFS Symposium.
Gaines SM.  2000.  Paleoclimate signals in a speleothem from Belize, Senior Thesis. Dissertation/Thesis:54.
Vermoere M., Waelkens M., E S.  2000.  Palynlogical evidence for human occupation between 2550 and 1270 years BP recorded in two mountain wetlands (near Sagalassos, western Taurus range, SW Turkey). International Symposium on High Mountain Lakes and Streams.
Cochran J.K, Hirschberg D.J, Amiel D..  2000.  Particle mixing and sediment accumulation rates of Peconic Estuary sediments: A sediment accretion study in support of the Peconic Estuary Program (Report). Proj #0014400598181563
Nelson A.R, Johnson S.Y, Pezzopane S.K, Wells R.E, Kelsey H.M, Sherrod B.L, Koehler R.D, Bradley L.A, Bucknam R.C, LaPrade W.T et al..  2000.  Postglacial and Late Holocene earthquakes on the Toe Jam strand of the Seattle fault, Bainbridge Island Washington. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. 32:A-58.
Snyder J.A, MacDonald G.M, Forman S.L, Tarasov G.A, Mode W.N.  2000.  Postglacial climate and vegetation history, north-central Kola Peninsula, Russia: pollen and diatom records from Lake Yarnyshnoe-3. Boreas. 29(4):261-271.
Garcia-Ruiz J.M.  2000.  Procesos y formas periglaciares en la montana mediterranea. Instituto de Estudios Turolenses, Teruel. :63-79.
Sommerfield C.K, Lee H.J.  2000.  Processes and rates of Holocene sedimentation in Santa Monica Bay, CA. EOS. Transactions of the American Geophysical Union(80:49):OS251.
Carroll M., Kowalewski M., Simoes M.G, Goodfriend G.A.  2000.  Quantitative estimates of time-averaging in articulate brachiopod accumulations from a Holocene tropical shelf (Southern Brazil). Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. 32:A13-A14.
Chapel D.  2000.  Quaternary Geology of Central Sheboygan County, Wisconsin, Thesis. MS
Valero-Garces B.L, Delgado-Huertas A., Navas A., Machin J., Gonzalez-Samperiz P., Kelts K..  2000.  Quaternary palaeohydrological evolution of a playa lake: Salada Mediana, central Ebro Basin, Spain. Sedimentology. 47(6):1135-1156.
