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Book Chapter
Kowalewski M., Bambach R.K.  2002.  The limits of paleontological resolution. High Resolution Approachews in Paleontology: Kluwer Academic/Plenum.
Conference Paper
R.A, Jr. K, Huntley J.W, Kowalewski M., Romanek C.R, Kaufmann D.S, Simoes M.G.  2007.  Assessing environmental factors associated with changes in the growth rate of a bivalve mollusk species through the Holocene. First International Sclerochronology Conference.
Simoes M.G, Kowalewski M., Carroll M., Rodland D.L, Mello L.HC.  2001.  Brachiopod shell taphonomy in subtropical siliciclastic environments: preliminary field results. Reuniao Anal de Sociedade Brasileira de Paleontologia, Paleo-2001. :15.
R.A, Jr. K, Barbourl-Wood S.L, Wehmiller J.F, Kowalewski M., Simoes M.G.  2004.  A comparative analysis of time averaging for bivalves and brachiopods from a modern tropical shelf. Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs.
Barbour-Wood S.L, R.A, Jr. K, Kowalewski M., Wehmiller J.F, Simoes M.G, Goodfriend G.A.  2003.  A comparison of rates of time averaging between the bivalve Macoma cleryana and brachiopod Bouchardia rosea on a shallow subtropical shelf. Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs.
R.A, Jr. K, Barbour-Wood S., Kowalewski M., Simoes M.G, Kaufman D., Romanek C.S, Wehmiller J.F.  2006.  Evaluating the Holocene c=dynamics of oceanographic processes in the Southeast Brazilian Bight using accumulations of calcitic and aragonitic shells. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting.
Kowalewski M., Simoes M.G, Barbour-Wood S.L, R.A, Jr. K, Rodriguez S.C, Wehmiller J.F, Rodland D.L, Carroll M..  2005.  Holocene terebratulid brachiopods from the southern Brazilian Shelf (South Atlantic): Ecology, taphonomy, and time-averaging. Fifth International Brachiopod Congress.
Barbour-Wood S.L, R.A, Jr. K, Kowalewski M., Wehmiller J.F, Simoes M.G.  2004.  Time averaging on a shallow subtropical shelf: the search for a taphomomic clock. Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs.
Kowalewski M., Avila-Serrano G.A, Flessa K.W, Goodfriend A.G.  2001.  Time-averaged shell accumulations as records of past levels of marine benthic productivity: Implications for conservation biology and ecosystem restoration efforst. North American Paleontologial Convention, Programs and Abstracts. 21 (supple. no. 2):80-81.
Carroll M., Kowalewski M., Simoes M.G, Goodfriend G.A.  2001.  Time-Averaging in articulate brachiopod accumulations: A quantitative estimate of temporal resolution from a Holocene tropical shelf (Southern Brazil). North American Paleontological Convention, Programs and Abstracts. 21 (supple. no. 2):40.
Journal Article
Kowalewski M., Simeos M.G, Carroll M., Rodland D.L.  2002.  Abundant brachiopods on a tropical, upwelling-influenced shelf (Southeast Brazilian Bight, South Atlantic. Palaios. 17(3):277-286.
R.A, Jr. K, Barbour-Wood S., Kowalewski M., Simoes M.G, Kaufman D., Romanek C.S, Wehmiller J.R.  2006.  Age mixing among sympatrick bivalves and brachiopods from the Brazilian South Atlantic. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. 38(7):443.
Carroll M., Kowalewski M., Simeos M.G, Goodfriend G.A.  2001.  Amino acid composition and diagenesis in the shells of terebratulid brachiopod Bouchardia rosea (SW Atlantic). Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. 33(A10)
Barbour-Wood S.L, R.A, Jr. K, Kowalewski M., Wehmiller J.F, Simoes M.G.  2006.  Aspartic acid racemization dating of Holocene brachiopods and bivalves from the southern Brazilian shelf, South Atlantic. Quaternary Research. 66(2):323-331.
Kowalewski M., Bambach R.K.  2001.  Diastems and time-averaging: The limits of resolution in stratigraphy and paleontology. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. 33(A32)
Krause, Jr. R.A, Barbour-Wood S., Romanek C.S, Kowalewski M., Simoes M.G, Wehmiller J.F.  2005.  The multi-centennial dynamics of an upwelling system revealed by stable isotope and trace element sclerochronology of amino-acid dated bivalve and brachiopod shells. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. 37(7):525.
Carroll M., Kowalewski M., Simoes M.G, Goodfriend G.A.  2000.  Quantitative estimates of time-averaging in articulate brachiopod accumulations from a Holocene tropical shelf (Southern Brazil). Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. 32:A13-A14.
Carroll M., Kowalewski M., Simoes M.G, Goodfriend G.A.  2003.  Quantitative estimates of time-averaging in terebratulidbrachiopod shell accumulations from a modern tropical shelf. Paleobiology. 29(3):381-402.