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Journal Article
Thompson L.G, Mosley-Thompson E., Davis M.E, Henderson K.A, Brecher H.H, Zagorodnov V.S, Mashiotta T.A, Lin P.N, Mikhalenko V.N, Hardy D.R et al..  2002.  Kilimanjaro ice core records: evidence of holocene climate change in tropical Africa. Science. 298(5593):589-93.
Thompson L.G, Mosley-Thompson E., Henderson K.A.  2000.  Ice Core Paleoclimate Records in Tropical South America Since the Last Glacial Maximum. Journal of Quaternary Science. 15(4):377-394.
Robertson A., Overpeck J., Rind D., Mosley-Thompson E., Zielinski G., Lean J., Koch D., Penner J., Tegen I., Healy R..  2001.  Hypothesized climate forcing time series for the last 500 years. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres. 106(D14):14783-14803.
Thompson L.G, Mosley-Thompson E., Davis M.E, Zagorodnov V.S, Howat I.M, Mikhatenko V.N, Lin P.-N.  2013.  Annually Resolved Ice Core Records of Tropical Climate Variability over the Past similar to 1800 Years. SCIENCE. 340:945-950.
Thompson L.G, Mosley-Thompson E., Brecher H., Davis M., Leon B., Les D., Lin P.N, Mashiotta T., Mountain K..  2006.  Abrupt tropical climate change: past and present. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 103(28):10536-43.
Thompson L.G, Davis M.E, Mosley-Thompson E., Sowers T.A, Henderson K.A, Zagorodnov V.S, Lin P., Mikhalenko V.N, Campen R.K, Bolzan J.F et al..  1998.  A 25,000-year tropical climate history from bolivian ice cores. Science. 282(5395):1858-64.