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Rick T.C, Kennett D.J, Erlandson J.M.  2006.  Early Holocene land use and subsistence on eastern Santa Rosa Island, California. Current Research in the Pleistocene. 22:60-62.
Kennett D.J, Conlee C.A.  2003.  Emergence of Late Holocene sociopolitical complexity on Santa Rosa and San Miquel Islands. Catalist to Complexity: The Late Holocene Archaeology of the California Coast: Perspectives in California Archaeology.
Kennett D.J, Voorhies B., Martorana D..  2006.  An evolutionary model for the origins of agriculture on the Pacific coast of southern Mexico. Behavioral Ecology and the Transition to Agriculture.
Kennett D.J, Voorhies B., Martorana D..  2006.  An evolutionary model for the origins of agriculture on the Pacific coast of southern Mexico. Behavioral Ecology and the Transition to Agriculture.
Kennett D.J, Clifford R..  2004.  Flexible strategies for resource defense on the northern channel islands of California: An agent-based model. The Archaeology of Insularity: Examining the Past in Island Environments. :21-50.