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Journal Article
Eglinton TI, Galy VV, Hemingway JD, Feng X, Bao H, Blattmann TM, Dickens AF, Gies H, Giosan L, Haghipour N et al..  2021.  Climate control on terrestrial biospheric carbon turnover. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 118(8):e2011585118.
Rosengard SZ, Lam PJ, McNichol AP, Johnson CG, Galy VV.  2018.  The effect of sample drying temperature on marine particulate organic carbon composition. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods. 16(5):286-298.
Hemingway JD, Schefuß E, Spencer RGM, Dinga BJean, Eglinton TI, McIntyre C, Galy VV.  2017.  Hydrologic controls on seasonal and inter-annual variability of Congo River particulate organic matter source and reservoir age. Chemical Geology. 466:454-465.
Dubois N, Oppo DW, Galy VV, Mohtadi M, van der Kaars S, Tierney JE, Rosenthal Y, Eglinton TI, L?ckge A, Linsley BK.  2014.  Indonesian vegetation response to changes in rainfall seasonality over the past 25,000 years. Nature Geoscience. 7449278721172063253871891072011563523665412739429544323(7):513-517.
Hemingway JD, Hilton RG, Hovius N, Eglinton TI, Haghipour N, Wacker L, Chen M-C, Galy VV.  2018.  Microbial oxidation of lithospheric organic carbon in rapidly eroding tropical mountain soils. Science. 360(6385):209-212.
Hemingway JD, Rothman DH, Grant KE, Rosengard SZ, Eglinton TI, Derry LA, Galy VV.  2019.  Mineral protection regulates long-term global preservation of natural organic carbon. Nature. 570(7760):228-231.
Grant KE, Galy VV, Haghipour N, Eglinton TI, Derry LA.  2022.  Persistence of old soil carbon under changing climate: The role of mineral-organic matter interactions. Chemical Geology. 587:120629.
Hemingway JD, Rothman DH, Rosengard SZ, Galy VV.  2017.  Technical note: An inverse method to relate organic carbon reactivity to isotope composition from serial oxidation. Biogeosciences. 14(22):5099-5114.
Grant KE, Galy VV, Chadwick OA, Derry LA.  2019.  Thermal oxidation of carbon in organic matter rich volcanic soils: insights into SOC age differentiation and mineral stabilization. Biogeochemistry. 144(3):291-304.