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Prouty NG, Schiff J, E. Roark B.  2020.  Radiocarbon dating of deep-sea black corals collected off the southeastern United States.
Weber N, Lazar B, Stern O, Burr G, Gavrieli I, Roberts M, Kurz MD, Yechieli Y, Stein M.  2020.  RADIOCARBON RESERVOIR AGES IN THE HOLOCENE DEAD SEAABSTRACT. Radiocarbon. 62(5):1453-1473.
Sanderman J, A. Grandy S.  2020.  Ramped thermal analysis for isolating biologically meaningful soil organic matter fractions with distinct residence times. SOIL. 6(1):131-144.
Caricchi C., Sagnotti L., Campuzano S.A., Lucchi R.G., MacrÌ P., Rebesco M., Camerlenghi A..  2020.  A refined age calibrated paleosecular variation and relative paleointensity stack for the NW Barents Sea: Implication for geomagnetic field behavior during the Holocene. Quaternary Science Reviews. 229:106133.
Degnan JR, Lindsey BD, Levitt JP, Szabo Z.  2020.  The relation of geogenic contaminants to groundwater age, aquifer hydrologic position, water type, and redox conditions in Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain aquifers, eastern and south-central USA. Science of The Total Environment. 723:137835.
Fang L, Lee SH, Lee S-A, Hahm D, Kim G, Druffel ERM, Hwang J.  2020.  Removal of Refractory Dissolved Organic Carbon in the Amundsen Sea, Antarctica. Scientific Reports. 10(1)
Tesi T., Belt S.T., Gariboldi K., Muschitiello F., Smik L., Finocchiaro F., Giglio F., Colizza E., Gazzurra G., Giordano P. et al..  2020.  Resolving sea ice dynamics in the north-western Ross Sea during the last 2.6 ka: From seasonal to millennial timescales. Quaternary Science Reviews. 237:106299.
Saravanan P, Gupta AK, Zheng H, Panigrahi MK, Tiwari SK, Rai SK, Prakasam M.  2020.  Response of shallow-sea benthic foraminifera to environmental changes off the coast of Goa, eastern Arabian Sea, during the last ∼6100 cal yr BPAbstract. Geological Magazine. 157(3):497-505.
Patrut A, Bocos-Bintintan V, Patrut RT, Partila D, Ratiu I-A, Rakosy L, von Reden KF.  2022.  Radiocarbon dating of the historic Emperor’s Beech from Muncel, Baia de Aries, Romania. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Chemia. 67:187–196.
Patrut A, Patrut RT, Rakosy L, Rakosy D, Oliver W, Ratiu IA, Lowy DA, Shiimbi G, Woodborne S, von Reden KF.  2022.  Radiocarbon Investigation of the Historic African Baobabs of Omusati, Namibia. Forests. 13(11):1899.
Patrut A, Patrut RT, Rakosy L, Ratiu I-A, Bodis J, Nassor NMahmoud, von Reden KF.  2022.  Radiocarbon investigation of two large African baobabs from Kizimkazi, Zanzibar, Tanzania. Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Chemia. 67:143–153.
Patrut A, Patrut RT, Bocos-Bintintan V, Ratiu IA, Rakosy L, Zdrob G, Vanca E, von Reden KF.  2022.  RADIOCARBON INVESTIGATION OF TWO OLD ELMS FROM ROMANIA. STUDIA UNIVERSITATIS BABES-BOLYAI CHEMIA. 67(1):245-256.
Longworth BE, Burton JR, Pendleton SL, Moser SD, Roberts ML, Kurz MD.  2022.  Radiocarbon measurement of CO2 from carbonate minerals using a hybrid gas ion source with an open split interface. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms. 531:49–55.
Mazzotta MG, Reddy CM, Ward CP.  2022.  Rapid Degradation of Cellulose Diacetate by Marine MicrobesRapid Degradation of Cellulose Diacetate by Marine Microbes. Environmental Science & Technology Letters. 9(1):37-41.
Goehring BM, Menounos B, Osborn G, Hawkins A, Ward B.  2022.  Reconciling the apparent absence of a Last Glacial Maximum alpine glacial advance, Yukon Territory, Canada, through cosmogenic beryllium-10 and carbon-14 measurements. Geochronology. 4(1):311-322.
Khan NS, Ashe E, Moyer RP, Kemp AC, Engelhart SE, Brain MJ, Toth LT, Chappel A, Christie M, Kopp RE et al..  2022.  Relative sea-level change in South Florida during the past ~5000 years. Global and Planetary Change. 216:103902.
Braddock S, Hall BL, Johnson JS, Balco G, Spoth M, Whitehouse PL, Campbell S, Goehring BM, Rood DH, Woodward J.  2022.  Relative sea-level data preclude major late Holocene ice-mass change in Pine Island Bay. Nature Geoscience. 15:568-573.
Johnson JS, Venturelli RA, Balco G, Allen CS, Braddock S, Campbell S, Goehring BM, Hall BL, Neff PD, Nichols KA et al..  2022.  Review article: Existing and potential evidence for Holocene grounding line retreat and readvance in Antarctica. The Cryosphere. 16:1543–1562.
Pieńkowski AJ, Coulthard RD, Furze MFA.  2022.  Revised marine reservoir offset (ΔR) values for molluscs and marine mammals from Arctic North America. Boreas.
