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Author Title Type [ Year(Desc)]
Paull C.K, Buelow W.J, Ussler W., Borowski W.S.  1996.  Increased continental-margin slumping frequency during sea-level lowstands above gas hydrate-bearing sediments. Geology. 24(2):143-146.
Salamanca M.  1996.  Informe Final: Geocronologia de las aquas subterraneas del Salar Punta Negra, Antofagasta, II Region. Preparado para Minera Escondida Ltda. (Report). :105.
Karlin R., Trexler J., Petersen R..  1996.  Initial results from paleoclimatic drilling and geophysical studies of Washoe Lake, Nevada. USGS Circular 1119, Water Resources Division. :37-38.
Honda MC.  1996.  Inorganic radiocarbon in time-series trap samples: implication of seasonal variation of 14C in the upper ocean. Radiocarbon. 38(3):583-595.
Eglinton T.I, McNichol A.P, Benitez-Nelson B.C, Pearson A., von Reden K.F, Schneider R.J, Bauer J.E, Druffel E.RM.  1996.  Isolation of Individual Organic Compounds for AMS Radiocarbon Analysis -- A Novel Approach. 7th International Conference on Accelerator Mass Spectrometry. 38:26.
Eglinton T.I, McNichol A.P, Benitez-Nelson B.C, Pearson A., von Reden K.F, Schneider R.J, Bauer J.E, Druffel E.RM.  1996.  Isolation of Individual Organic Compounds for AMS Radiocarbon Analysis--A Novel Approach. Radiocarbon. 38(1):26.
Schneider R.J, Hartman J., von Reden K.F, McNichol A.P.  1996.  Kinematic Effects in the Sputtering of Carbon Isotopes. 7th International Conference on Accelerator Mass Spectrometry. 38:108.
Schneider R.J, Hartman J., von Reden K.F, McNichol A.P.  1996.  Kinematic Effects in the Sputtering of Carbon Isotopes. Radiocarbon. 1(108):108.
Butzer K.WFrederi.  1996.  The "Lake" of Mayran: Reconstructing an Environmental History from Alluvial, Lacustrine, and Soils Records in Northern Mexico. Annual Meeting, Sociedad Mexicana de Antropologia.
Stuiver M., Ostlund H.G, Key R.M, Reimer P.J.  1996.  Large-volume WOCE radiocarbon sampling in the Pacific Ocean. Radiocarbon. 38(3):519-561.
Calhoun R.S, Fletcher C.H.  1996.  Late holocene coastal plain stratigraphy and sea-level history at Hanalei, Kauai, Hawaiian islands. Quaternary Research. 45(1):47-58.
Curry W.B.  1996.  Late Quaternary deep circulation in the western equatorial Atlantic (Book Section). The South Atlantic: Present and Past Circulation. :577-598.
Toscano M.A.  1996.  Late Quaternary stratigraphy, sea-level history and paleoclimatology of the southeast Florida outer continental shelf, Thesis. Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation:280.
Keigwin L.D.  1996.  The Little Ice Age and Medieval Warm Period in the Sargasso Sea. Science. 274(5292):1504-8.
Colinvaux P.A, DeOliveira P.E, Moreno J.E, Miller M.C, Bush M.B.  1996.  A long pollen record from lowland Amazonia: Forest and cooling in glacial times. Science. 274(5284):85-88.
Wills J.SC, Diamond W.T, Lewis R.A, Schmeing H., von Reden K.F, Schneider R.J.  1996.  Molecular breakup of CO2 and hold-up time in a microwave ion source.
Stanley D.J, Chen Z.  1996.  Neolithic migrations as a function of sea level-controlled topography in the Yangtze Delta, China. Geology. 24(12):1803-1086.
Key R.M.  1996.  Ocean Tracer Laboratory Tech. Report. P17E19S final report for AMS 14C samples. 97(1):10.
Flood R.D, Piper D.JW.  1996.  ODP drilling on the Amazon Fan; initial results on growth pattern and timing of fan sedimentation. Annual Meeting Abstracts--American Association of Petroleum Geologists and Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists. 5:47.
Cole K.L, Davis M.B, Winkler M.G.  1996.  One thousand years of change in the Great Lakes Region. A pilot project of the NBS Landscape Use History of North America (LUHNA) publ. electronically on the World Wide Web.
Key R.M.  1996.  P16 S17S TUNES-2 final report for AMS 14C samples (Report). Ocean Tracer Laboratory Tech. Report. 96:10.
Key R.M.  1996.  P16A17A Final report for large volume samples and D14C measurements. Ocean Tracer Laboratory Tech. Rep.. 96(7):13.
Key R.M, Quay P..  1996.  P16C TUNES-3 final report for AMS 14C samples. Ocean Tracer Laboratory Technical Report. 96(6):9.
Key R.M, Quay P..  1996.  P16C TUNES-3 final report for AMS 14C samples (Report). Ocean Tracer Laboratory Tech. Report. 96:9.
Key R.M.  1996.  P16S17S TUNES-2 final report for AMS 14C samples. Ocean Tracer Laboratory Tech. Rep.. 96(5):10.
