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Journal Article
Baker P.A, Rigsby C.A, Seltzer G.O, Fritz S.C, Lowenstein T.K, Bacher N.P, Veliz C..  2001.  Tropical climate changes at millennial and orbital timescales on the Bolivian Altiplano. Nature. 409:167-170.
Fritz S.C, Baker P.A, Tapia P., Garland J..  2006.  Spacial and temporal variation in cores from Lake Titicaca, Bolivia/Peru during the last 13,000 yrs. Quaternary International. 158:23-29.
Fritz S.C, Baker P.A, Seltzer G.O, Ballantyne A., Tapia P., Cheng H., Edwards R.L.  2007.  Quaternary glaciation and hydrologic variation in the South American tropics as reconstructed from the Lake Titicaca drilling project. Quaternary Research. 68(3):410-420.
Cross S.C, Baker P.A, Seltzer G.O, Fritz S.C.  2000.  A New Estimate of the Holocene Lowstand Level of Lake Titicaca and Implications for Tropical Paleohydrology. The Holocene. 10:21-32.
Fritz S.C, Baker P.A, Ekdahl E., Seltzer G.O, Stevens L.R.  2010.  Millennial-scale climate variability during the Last Glacial period in the tropical Andes. Quaternary Science Reviews. 29(7-8):1017-1024.
Cross S.L, Baker P.A, Seltzer G.O, Fritz S.C, Dunbar R.B.  2001.  Late quaternary climate and hydrology of tropical South America inferred from an isotopic and chemical model of Lake Titicaca, Bolivia and Peru. Quaternary Research. 56(1):1-9.
Fritz S.C, Baker P.A, Lowenstein T.K, Seltzer G.O, Rigsby C.A, Dwyer G.S, Tapia P.M, Arnold K.K, Ku T.L, Luo S.D.  2004.  Hydrologic variation during the last 170,000 years in the southern hemisphere tropics of South America. Quaternary Research. 61(1):95-104.
Ekdahl E.J, Fritz S.C, Baker P.A, Rigsby C.A, Coley K..  2008.  Holocene multidecadal- to millennial-scale hydrologic variability on the South American Altiplano. Holocene. 18(6):867-876.
Baker P.A, Fritz S.C, Garland J., Ekdahl E..  2005.  Holocene hydrologic variation at Lake Titicaca, Bolivia/Peru, and its relationship to North Atlantic climate variation. Journal of Quaternary Science. 20(7-8):655-662.
Baker P.A, Seltzer G.O, Fritz S.C, Dunbar R.B, Grove M.J, Tapia P.M, Cross S.L, Rowe H.D, Broda J.P.  2001.  The history of South American tropical precipitation for the past 25,000 years. Science. 291(5504):640-3.
Baker P.A, Seltzer G.O, Fritz S.C, Rigsby C.A, Dwyer G.S.  2001.  Climatic significance of large lakes on the Altiplano of South America. EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union. 82:751.
Fritz S.C, Baker P.A, Dwyer G.S.  2001.  A 160,000-year record of tropical climate variability from Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia. EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union. 80:757.
Book Chapter
Baker P.A, Fritz S.C, Burns S.J, Ekdahl E., Rigsby C.A.  2009.  The nature and origin of decadal to millennial scale climate variability in the southern tropics of South America. Past Climate Variability from the Last Glacial Maximum to the Holocene in South America and Surrounding Regions. :301-322.