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Burgess S.N, Henderson G.M, Hall B.L.  2010.  Reconstructing Holocene conditions under the McMurdo Ice Shelf using Antarctic barnacle shells. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 298(3-4):385-393.
Saravanan P, Gupta AK, Li X, Zheng H, Panigrahi MK.  2024.  Reconstructing hypoxia on the eastern Arabian sea continental shelf during the past ∼7400 years: A multi-proxy approach. Quaternary International.
Toomey MR, Donnelly JP, Woodruff JD.  2013.  Reconstructing mid-late Holocene cyclone variability in the Central Pacific using sedimentary records from Tahaa, French Polynesia. Quaternary Science Reviews. 77:181-189.
Toomey MR, Donnelly JP, Woodruff JD.  2013.  Reconstructing mid-late Holocene cyclone variability in the Central Pacific using sedimentary records from Tahaa, French Polynesia. Quaternary Science Reviews. 77:181-189.
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Woodruff J.D, Donnelly J.P, Mohrig D., Geyer W.R.  2008.  Reconstructing relative flooding intensities responsible for hurricane-induced deposits from Laguna Playa Grande, Vieques, Puerto Rico. Geology. 36(5):391-394.
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