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Cronauer SL, Briner JP, Kelley SE, Zimmerman SRH, Morlighem M.  2016.  10Be dating reveals early-middle Holocene age of the Drygalski Moraines in central West Greenland. Quaternary Science Reviews. 147:59-68.
Gray AB, Pasternack GB, Watson EB, Goni MA.  2016.  Abandoned channel fill sequences in the tidal estuary of a small mountainous, dry-summer river. SEDIMENTOLOGY. 63:176-206.
Peterson CD, Phipps JB.  2016.  Accommodation space controls on incised-valley sediment accumulation rates during the Holocene marine transgression (0–11 ka) in Grays Harbor, a large meso-tidal estuary, Washington, \{USA\}. Marine Geology. 380:1-16.
Quintela M, Costa PJM, Fatela F, Drago T, Hoska N, Andrade C, Freitas MC.  2016.  The AD 1755 tsunami deposits onshore and offshore of Algarve (south Portugal): Sediment transport interpretations based on the study of Foraminifera assemblages. Quaternary International. 408, Part A:123-138.
Andrews A.H., DeMartini EE, Eble JA, Taylor BM, Lou DChun, Humphreys RL.  2016.  Age and growth of bluespine unicornfish (Naso unicornis): a half-century life-span for a keystone browser, with a novel approach to bomb radiocarbon dating in the Hawaiian Islands. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 73(10):1575-1586.
Gabrielli P, Barbante C, Bertagna G, ó M, Binder D, Carton A, Carturan L, Cazorzi F, Cozzi G, Fontana GDalla et al..  2016.  Age of the Mt. Ortles ice cores, the Tyrolean Iceman and glaciation of the highest summit of South Tyrol since the Northern Hemisphere Climatic Optimum. The Cryosphere. 10(6):2779-2797.
Patrut A, Patrut RT, Danthu P, Pock-Tsy J-MLeong, Rakosy L, Lowy DA, von Reden KF.  2016.  AMS Radiocarbon Dating of Large Za Baobabs (Adansonia za) of Madagascar.. PLoS One. 11(1):e0146977.
Hesse R, Khodabakhsh S.  2016.  Anatomy of Labrador Sea Heinrich layers. Marine Geology. 380:44-66.
Vonk JE, Dickens AF, Giosan L, Hussain ZA, Kim B, Zipper SC, Holmes RM, Montluçon DB, Galy V, Eglinton TI.  2016.  Arctic Deltaic Lake Sediments As Recorders of Fluvial Organic Matter Deposition. 4:77.
Cui X, Bianchi TS, Jaeger JM, Smith RW.  2016.  Biospheric and petrogenic organic carbon flux along southeast Alaska. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 452:238-246.
Andrews AH, Siciliano D, Potts DC, DeMartini EE, Covarrubias S.  2016.  Bomb Radiocarbon and the Hawaiian Archipelago: Coral, Otoliths, and SeawaterAbstract. Radiocarbon. 58(03):531-548.
Andrews A.H., Asami R, Iryu Y, Kobayashi DR, Camacho F.  2016.  Bomb-produced radiocarbon in the western tropical Pacific Ocean: Guam coral reveals operation-specific signals from the Pacific Proving Grounds. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-OCEANS. 121:6351-6366.
Wang X, Ge T, Xu C, Xue Y, Luo C.  2016.  Carbon isotopic (C-14 and C-13) characterization of fossil-fuel derived dissolved organic carbon in wet precipitation in Shandong Province, China. JOURNAL OF ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY. 73:207-221.
Spooner PT, Guo W, Robinson LF, Thiagarajan N, Hendry KR, Rosenheim BE, Leng MJ.  2016.  Clumped isotope composition of cold-water corals: A role for vital effects? Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 179:123-141.
Hertzberg JE, Schmidt MW, Bianchi TS, Smith RW, Shields MR, Marcantonio F.  2016.  Comparison of eastern tropical Pacific TEX 86 and Globigerinoides ruber Mg/Ca derived sea surface temperatures: Insights from the Holocene and Last Glacial Maximum. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 434:320-332.
Hein CJ, FitzGerald DM, de Souza LHP, Georgiou IY, Buynevich IV, Klein AH da F, de Menezes ãoThadeu, Cleary WJ, Scolaro TL.  2016.  Complex coastal change in response to autogenic basin infilling: An example from a sub-tropical Holocene strandplain. Sedimentology. 63(6):1362-1395.
Septama E, Bentley SJ, Droxler AW.  2016.  Conduits, timing and processes of sediment delivery across a high-relief continental margin: Continental shelf to basin in Late Quaternary, Gulf of Papua. Marine and Petroleum Geology. 72:447-462.
Wang X, Luo C, Ge T, Xu C, Xue Y.  2016.  Controls on the sources and cycling of dissolved inorganic carbon in the Changjiang and Huanghe River estuaries, China: C-14 and C-13 studies. LIMNOLOGY AND OCEANOGRAPHY. 61:1358-1374.
Falk E.S., Guo W., Paukert A.N., Matter J.M., Mervine E.M., Kelemen P.B..  2016.  Controls on the stable isotope compositions of travertine from hyperalkaline springs in Oman: Insights from clumped isotope measurements. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 192:1-28.
Zaremba N, Mallinson DJ, Leorri E, Culver S, Riggs S, Mulligan R, Horsman E, Mitra S.  2016.  Controls on the stratigraphic framework and paleoenvironmental change within a Holocene estuarine system: Pamlico Sound, North Carolina, USA. Marine Geology. 379:109-123.
Toth LT, Macintyre IG, Aronson RB.  2016.  Coral Reefs of the WorldCoral Reefs of the Eastern Tropical PacificHolocene Reef Development in the Eastern Tropical Pacific. 8:177-201.
