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Author Title Type [ Year(Asc)]
Martin W.R, McNichol A.P, McCorkle D.C.  2000.  The radiocarbon age of calcite dissolving at the sea floor: Estimates from pore water data. Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta. 64(8):1391-1404.
Hughen K.A, Southon J., Lehman S.J, Peterson L.C, Overpeck J.T.  2000.  Radiocarbon calibration and abruptchanges in atmospheric 14Cconcentration during Marine Isotope Stage 3. American Geophysical Union.
McNichol A.P, Ertel J.R, Eglinton T.I.  2000.  The radiocarbon content of individual lignin-derived phenols: Technique and initial results. Radiocarbon. 42(2):219-227.
MacDonald G.M, Gervalis B., Snyder J.A, Tarasov G.A, Borisova O.A.  2000.  Radiocarbon dated Pinus sylvertis L. wood from beyond treeline on the Kola Peninsula, Russia. The Holocene. 10:143-147.
Stanley D.J, Chen Z..  2000.  Radiocarbon dates in China's Holocene Yangtze delta: record of sediment storage and reworking, not timing of deposition. Journal Coastal Res.. 16(4):1126-1132.
Colman S.M, Bratton J.F, Baucom P.C.  2000.  Radiocarbon dating of Marion-Dufresne cores MD99-2204, 2207, and 2209, Chesapeake Bay. Initial Report on IMAGES V Cruise of the Marion-Dufresne to the Chesapeake Bay June 20-22, 1999. Open-File Report 00-306:72-77.
Stanley D.J.  2000.  Radiocarbon dating the artifically contained surfaces of the Rhone deltaic plain, southern France. Journal Coastal Res.. 16(4):1157-1161.
Schneider R.J, McNichol A.P, von Reden K.F, Elder K.L, Gagnon A.R, Key R.M, Quay P.D, Schlosser P.M.  2000.  The radiocarbon gradient at the Antarctic Polar Front. AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting.
McCorkle D.C, Gramling C.M, Mulligan A.E, Woods T.L, Lott D.E.  2000.  Radiocarbon-Based Estimates of the Groundwater Contribution to Estuarine Freshwater Budgets: An Example from Pages Creek, North Carolina. EOS. 81(19):S249.
Rodbell D.T, Seltzer G.O.  2000.  Rapid ice margin fluctuations during the Bolling/Allerod and Younger Dryas intervals in the Peruvian Andes. Quaternary Research. 54:328-338.
Rodbell D.T, Seltzer G.O.  2000.  Rapid ice margin fluctuations during the Younger Dryas in the tropical Andes. Quaternary Research. 54(3):328-338.
Valero-Garces B.L, Navas A., Machin J., Stevenson T., Davis B..  2000.  Responces of a saline lake ecosystems in semi-arid regions to irrigation and climate variability. The history of Salada Chiprana, Central Ebro Basin, Spain. Ambio. (344-350)
Mercader J., Rovira S., Gomez P..  2000.  Shared Technologies: Later Stone Age Forager-Farmer Interaction and Metallurgy in the Ituri Rainforest, Democratic Republic of Congo. Azania. 35:107-122.
Goodbred S.L, Kuehl S.A.  2000.  The significance of large sediment supply, active tectonism, and eustasy on margin sequence development: Late Quaternary stratigraphy and evolution of the Ganges-Brahmaputra delta. Sedimentary Geology. 133(3-4):227-248.
Toom DL, Jackson MA.  2000.  Sonota Complex Sites in Eastern North Dakota. 2000 Plains Conference, 58th Annual Meeting of the Plains Anthropological Society.
Notar M..  2000.  Sources, distribution and transformations of PAH in the Gulf of Triests (northern Adriatic), Thesis. Dissertation/Thesis:105.
Alperin M.J, Hee C.A, Albert D.A, Martens C.S.  2000.  Stable- and radio-carbon isotopic composition of porewater DOC in an organic-rich marine sediment. EOS. 81(699)
Goodfriend G.A, Ellis G.L.  2000.  Stable carbon isotope record of middle to late Holocene climate changes from land snail shells at HInds Cave, Texas (Book Section). Holocene Environmental Change on the Great Plains of North America. 67:47-60.
Reddy C.M, Heraty L.J, Holt B.D, Sturchio N.C, Eglinton T.I, Drenzek N.J, Xu L., Lake J.L, Maruya K.A.  2000.  Stable chlorine isotopic compositions of aroclors and aroclor-contaminated sediments. Environmental Science & Technology. 34(13):2866-2870.
Key R.M.  2000.  Status of the WOCE tracer synthesis effort, Invited presentation. WOCE Data Products Committee Meeting 13.
Aguirre M.L, Farinati E.A.  2000.  Systematics, distributional and palaeoenvironmental aspects of Littoridina australis(D'Orbigny, 1835) (Mesogastropoda) in the Marine Quaternary of Argentina (South America). Geobios. 33(5)
McNichol A.P, Schneider R.J, von Reden K.F, Gagnon A.R, Elder K.L, Key R.M, Quay P.D.  2000.  Ten years after - the WOCE AMS radiocarbon program. Accelerator Mass Spectrometer Conference.
McNichol A.P, Schneider R.J, von Reden K.F, Gagnon A.R, Elder K.L, Key R.M, Quay P.D.  2000.  Ten years after - The WOCE AMS radiocarbon program. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms. 172(1-4):479-484.
Schneider R.J, von Reden K.F, Hayes J.M, Wills J.SC, Kern W.GE, Kim S.W.  2000.  Tests of positive ion beams from a microwave ion source for AMS. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms. 172(252-256):252-256.
Schimmelmann A., Lange CB.  2000.  The tie-in of a varve-count chronology and radiocarbon dates: a method for addressing 14C-reservoir age. Climate Conference, LDGO.
