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Benz V, Esper O, Gersonde R, Lamy F, Tiedemann R.  2016.  Last Glacial Maximum sea surface temperature and sea-ice extent in the Pacific sector of the Southern Ocean. Quaternary Science Reviews. 146:216-237.
Van Daele M, Bertrand S, Meyer I, Moernaut J, Vandoorne W, Siani G, Tanghe N, Ghazoui Z, Pino M, Urrutia R et al..  2016.  Late Quaternary evolution of Lago Castor (Chile, 45.6°S): Timing of the deglaciation in northern Patagonia and evolution of the southern westerlies during the last 17 kyr. Quaternary Science Reviews. 133:130-146.
Li Z, Shi X, Chen M-T, Wang H, Liu S, Xu J, Long H, Troa RArief, Zuraida R, Triarso E.  2016.  Late Quaternary fingerprints of precession and sea level variation over the past 35 kyr as revealed by sea surface temperature and upwelling records from the Indian Ocean near southernmost Sumatra. Quaternary International. 425:282-291.
Thomas EK, Briner JP, Ryan-Henry JJ, Huang Y.  2016.  A major increase in winter snowfall during the middle Holocene on western Greenland caused by reduced sea ice in Baffin Bay and the Labrador Sea. Geophysical Research Letters. 45(3):5302-5308.
Anthony KWalter, Daanen R, Anthony P, von Deimling TSchneider, Ping C-L, Chanton JP, Grosse G.  2016.  Methane emissions proportional to permafrost carbon thawed in Arctic lakes since the 1950s. Nature Geoscience. 9:679-682.
Culver SJ, Farrell KM, Mallinson DJ, Willard DA, Horton BP, Riggs SR, E. Thieler R, Wehmiller JF, Parham PR, Moore JPierson et al..  2016.  Micropaleontologic record of Pliocene and Quaternary paleoenvironments in the southern Albemarle Embayment, North Carolina, U.S.A. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 457:360-379.
Filipova-Marinova M, Pavlov D, Giosan L.  2016.  Multi-proxy records of Holocene palaeoenvironmental changes in the Varna Lake area, western Black Sea coast. Quaternary International. 401:99-108.
Burrows M.A., Heijnis H., Gadd P., Haberle S.G..  2016.  A new late Quaternary palaeohydrological record from the humid tropics of northeastern Australia. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 451:164-182.
Costa K.M, McManus J.F, Anderson R.F, Ren H., Sigman D.M, Winckler G., Fleisher M.Q, Marcantonio F., Ravelo A.C.  2016.  No iron fertilization in the equatorial Pacific Ocean during the last ice age. Nature. 529(7587):519-522.
Soulet G, Skinner LC, Beaupré SR, Galy V.  2016.  A Note on Reporting of Reservoir C-14 Disequilibria and Age Offsets. RADIOCARBON. 58:205-211.
Komada T, Burdige DJ, Li H-L, Magen édric, Chanton JP, Cada AK.  2016.  Organic matter cycling across the sulfate-methane transition zone of the Santa Barbara Basin, California Borderland. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 176:259-278.
Carbonara K, Mezgec K, Varagona G, Musco MElena, Lucchi RGiulia, Villa G, Morigi C, Melis R, Caffau M.  2016.  Palaeoclimatic changes in Kveithola, Svalbard, during the Late Pleistocene deglaciation and Holocene: Evidences from microfossil and sedimentary records. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 463:136-149.
Mason JA, Jacobs PM, Gruley KE, Reyerson P, Hanson PR.  2016.  Parent material influence on soil response to vegetation change, Southeastern Minnesota, U.S.A.. Geoderma. 275:1-17.
Toledo FAL, Quadros JP, Camillo, Jr. E, Santarosa ACláudia A, Flores J-A, Costa KB.  2016.  Plankton biochronology for the last 772,000 years from the western South Atlantic Ocean. Marine Micropaleontology. 127:50-62.
I. Pendea F, Harmsen H, Keeler D, Zubrow EBW, Korosec G, Ruhl E, Ponkratova I, Hulse E.  2016.  Prehistoric human responses to volcanic tephra fall events in the Ust-Kamchatsk region, Kamchatka Peninsula (Kamchatsky Krai, Russian Federation) during the middle to late Holocene (6000–500 cal BP). Quaternary International. 394:51-68.
Lang SQ, McIntyre CP, Bernasconi SM, Fruh-Green GL, Voss BM, Eglinton TI, Wacker L.  2016.  RAPID C-14 ANALYSIS OF DISSOLVED ORGANIC CARBON IN NON-SALINE WATERS. RADIOCARBON. 58:505-515.
Gospodinova K., McNichol A.P, Gagnon A., Walter S.RShah.  2016.  Rapid extraction of dissolved inorganic carbon from seawater and groundwater samples for radiocarbon dating. LIMNOLOGY AND OCEANOGRAPHY-METHODS. 14:24-30.
Peteet DM, Nichols JE, Moy CM, McGeachy A, Perez M.  2016.  Recent and Holocene climate change controls on vegetation and carbon accumulation in Alaskan coastal muskegs. Quaternary Science Reviews. 131, Part A:168-178.
Maier KL, Brothers DS, Paull CK, McGann M, Caress DW, Conrad JE.  2016.  Records of continental slope sediment flow morphodynamic responses to gradient and active faulting from integrated AUV and ROV data, offshore Palos Verdes, southern California Borderland. Marine Geology. :-.
Hawkes AD, Kemp AC, Donnelly JP, Horton BP, W. Peltier R, Cahill N, Hill DF, Ashe E, Alexander CR.  2016.  Relative sea-level change in northeastern Florida (USA) during the last ∼8.0 ka. Quaternary Science Reviews. 142:90-101.
Turck JA, Thompson VD.  2016.  Revisiting the resilience of Late Archaic hunter-gatherers along the Georgia coast. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology. 43:39-55.
Thresher RE, Neil H.  2016.  Scale dependence of environmental and physiological correlates of δ18O and δ13C in the magnesium calcite skeletons of bamboo corals (Gorgonacea; Isididae). Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 187:260-278.
Filipsson HL, McCorkle DC, Mackensen A, Bernhard JM, Andersson LS, Naustvoll L-J, Caballero-Alfonso AM, Nordberg K, Danielssen DS.  2016.  Seasonal variability of stable carbon isotopes (δ13CDIC) in the Skagerrak and the Baltic Sea: Distinguishing between mixing and biological productivity. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. :-.
Subt C, Fangman KA, Wellner JS, Rosenheim BE.  2016.  Sediment chronology in Antarctic deglacial sediments: Reconciling organic carbon 14 C ages to carbonate 14 C ages using Ramped PyrOx. The Holocene. 26(2):265-273.
Maio CV, Donnelly JP, Sullivan R, Madsen SM, Weidman CR, Gontz AM, Sheremet VA.  2016.  Sediment dynamics and hydrographic conditions during storm passage, Waquoit Bay, Massachusetts. Marine Geology. 381:67-86.
