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Journal Article
Rossi V., Horton B.P, Corbett D.R, Leorri E., Perez-Belmonte L., Douglas B.C.  2011.  The application of foraminifera to reconstruct the rate of 20th century sea level rise, Morbihan Golfe, Brittany, France. Quaternary Research. 75(1):24-35.
Hawkes A.D, Horton B.P, Nelson A.R, Hill D.F.  2010.  The application of intertidal foraminifera to reconstruct coastal subsidence during the giant Cascadia earthquake of AD 1700 in Oregon, USA. Quaternary International. 221(1-2):116-140.
Kemp A.C, Horton B.P, Donnelly J.P, Mann M.E, Vermeer M., Rahmstorf S..  2011.  Climate related sea-level variations over the past two millennia. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 108(27):11017-22.
Hawkes A.D, Horton B.P, Nelson A.R, Vane C.H, Sawai Y..  2011.  Coastal subsidence in Oregon, USA, during the giant Cascadia earthquake of AD 1700. Quaternary Science Reviews. 30(3–4):364-376.
Horton B.P, Peltier W.R, Culver S.J, Drummond R., Engelhart S.E, Kemp A.C, Mallinson D., Thieler E.R, Riggs S.R, Ames D.V et al..  2009.  Holocene sea-level changes along the North Carolina Coastline and their implications for glacial isostatic adjustment models. Quaternary Science Reviews. 28(17-18):1725-1736.
Culver S.J, Farrell K.M, Mallinson D.J, Horton B.P, Willard D.A, Thieler E.R, Riggs S.R, Snyder S.W, Wehmiller J.F, Bernhardt C.E et al..  2008.  Micropaleontologic record of late pliocene and quaternary paleoenvironments in the northern Albemarle embayment, North Carolina, USA. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology. 264(1-2):54-77.
Horton B.P, Corbett R., Culver S.J, Edwards R.J, Hillier C..  2006.  Modern saltmarsh diatom distributions of the Outer Banks, North Carolina, and the development of a transfer function for high resolution reconstructions of sea level. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science. 69(3-4):381-394.
C. Pre G, Horton B.P, Kelsey H.M, Rubin C.M, Hawkes A.D, Daryono M., Rosenberg G., Culver S.J.  2012.  Stratigraphic evidence for an early Holocene earthquake in Aceh, Indonesia. Quaternary Science Reviews. 54:142-151.
Kemp A.C, Horton B.P, Culver S.J, Corbett D.R, van de Plassche O., Gehrels W.R, Douglas B.C, Parnell A.C.  2009.  Timing and magnitude of recent accelerated sea-level rise (North Carolina, United States). Geology. 37(11):1035-1038.