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Journal Article
Mallinson D.J, Culver S.J, Riggs S.R, Thieler E.R, Foster D., Wehmiller J., Farrell K.M, Pierson J..  2010.  Regional seismic stratigraphy and controls on the Quaternary evolution of the Cape Hatteras region of the Atlantic passive margin, USA. Marine Geology. 268(1-4):16-33.
Culver S.J, Farrell K.M, Mallinson D.J, Horton B.P, Willard D.A, Thieler E.R, Riggs S.R, Snyder S.W, Wehmiller J.F, Bernhardt C.E et al..  2008.  Micropaleontologic record of late pliocene and quaternary paleoenvironments in the northern Albemarle embayment, North Carolina, USA. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology. 264(1-2):54-77.
Horton B.P, Peltier W.R, Culver S.J, Drummond R., Engelhart S.E, Kemp A.C, Mallinson D., Thieler E.R, Riggs S.R, Ames D.V et al..  2009.  Holocene sea-level changes along the North Carolina Coastline and their implications for glacial isostatic adjustment models. Quaternary Science Reviews. 28(17-18):1725-1736.
Donnelly J.P, Driscoll N., Uchupi E., Keigwin L., Schwab W., Thieler E.R, Swift S..  2005.  Catastrophic meltwater discharge down the Hudson River Valley: A potential trigger for the Intra-Allerod cold period. Geology. 33:89-92.
Wehmiller J.F, Thieler E.R, Miller D., Pellerito V., Keeney V.B, Riggs S.R, Culver S., Mallinson D., Farrell K.M, York L.L et al..  2010.  Aminostratigraphy of surface and subsurface Quaternary sediments, North Carolina coastal plain, USA. Quaternary Geochronology. 5(4):459-492.