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Fang W, Andersson A, Zheng M, Lee M, Holmstrand H, Kim S-W, Du K, Gustafsson Ö.  2017.  Divergent Evolution of Carbonaceous Aerosols during Dispersal of East Asian Haze. Scientific Reports. 7(1)
Mueller NG.  2017.  Documenting domestication in a lost crop (Polygonum erectum L.): evolutionary bet-hedgers under cultivation. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany. 2621544151612277251256252491314471317501927512453130187936325211846611242525023108578256126282112(3):313-327.
Yao Q, Liu K-biu.  2017.  Dynamics of marsh-mangrove ecotone since the mid-Holocene: A palynological study of mangrove encroachment and sea level rise in the Shark River Estuary, Florida. PLOS ONE. :e0173670.
Bradford LM, Ziolkowski LA, Goad C, Warren LA, Slater GF.  2017.  Elucidating carbon sources driving microbial metabolism during oil sands reclamation. Journal of Environmental Management. 188:246-254.
Sagredo EA, Lowell TV, Kelly MA, Rupper S, Aravena JCarlos, Ward DJ, Malone AGO.  2017.  Equilibrium line altitudes along the Andes during the Last millennium: Paleoclimatic implications. The Holocene. 27(7):1019-1033.
Cui X, Bianchi TS, Savage C.  2017.  Erosion of modern terrestrial organic matter as a major component of sediments in fjords. Geophysical Research Letters. 442824441945245112168105110293225215662639493436151675187268234320723424507431438414191121427211539259(345355903755111181-21212316171193141-2182341):1457-1465.
Leeper R, Rhodes B, Kirby M, Scharer K, Carlin J, Hemphill-Haley E, Avnaim-Katav S, MacDonald G, Starratt S, Aranda A.  2017.  Evidence for coseismic subsidence events in a southern California coastal saltmarsh. Scientific Reports. 7:44615.
Mueller NG.  2017.  Evolutionary “Bet-Hedgers” under Cultivation: Investigating the Domestication of Erect Knotweed (Polygonum erectum L.) using Growth Experiments. Human Ecology. 451072rspb2010070712131513581318177327257912425250103106757712621(2851313232181233165654):189-203.
Bianchi TS, Butman D, Raymond PA, Ward ND, Kates RJS, Flessa KW, Zamora H, Arellano AR, Ramirez J, Rodriguez E.  2017.  The experimental flow to the Colorado River delta: Effects on carbon mobilization in a dry watercourse. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 122(3):607-627.
Kemp AC, Kegel JJ, Culver SJ, Barber DC, Mallinson DJ, Leorri E, Bernhardt CE, Cahill N, Riggs SR, Woodson AL et al..  2017.  Extended late Holocene relative sea-level histories for North Carolina, \{USA\}. Quaternary Science Reviews. 160:13-30.
Mueller NG.  2017.  An Extinct Domesticated Subspecies of Erect Knotweed in Eastern North America: Polygonum erectum subsp. watsoniae (Polygonaceae). Novon: A Journal for Botanical Nomenclature. 25(2):166-179.
Atwater BF, Brink US ten, Cescon ALisa, Feuillet N, Fuentes Z, Halley RB, ñez C, Reinhardt EG, Roger JH, Sawai Y et al..  2017.  Extreme waves in the British Virgin Islands during the last centuries before 1500 CE. Geosphere. 13(2):301-368.
Patrut A, Woodborne S, Patrut RT, Rakosy L, Hall G, Ratiu I-A, von Reden KF.  2017.  Final Radiocarbon Investigation of Platland Tree, the Biggest African Baobab. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Chemia. 62(2):347-354.
Wilson R.M, Fitzhugh L., Whiting G.J, Frolking S., Harrison M.D, Dimova N., Burnett W.C, Chanton J.P.  2017.  Greenhouse gas balance over thaw-freeze cycles in discontinuous zone permafrost. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 122(2):387-404.
R?ther DChristina, Winsborrow M, Andreassen K, Forwick M.  2017.  Grounding line proximal sediment characteristics at a marine-based, late-stage ice stream margin. Journal of Quaternary Science. 32(4):463-474.
Patrut A, Woodborne S, von Reden KF, Hall G, Patrut RT, Rakosy L, Danthu P, Pock-Tsy J-MLeong, Lowy DA, Margineanu D.  2017.  The Growth Stop Phenomenon Of Baobabs (Adansonia Spp.) Identified By Radiocarbon DatingAbstract. Radiocarbon. 59504754164661(02):435-448.
Mi B, Liu S, Shi X, Li X, Pan H-J, Chen M-T, Wang X.  2017.  A high resolution record of rare earth element compositional changes from the mud deposit on the inner shelf of the East China Sea: Implications for paleoenvironmental changes. Quaternary International.
Barron JA, Bukry D, Heusser LE, Addison JA, Alexander CR.  2017.  High-resolution climate of the past ∼7300 years of coastal northernmost California: Results from diatoms, silicoflagellates, and pollen. Quaternary International. :-.
Lusas AR, Hall BL, Lowell TV, Kelly MA, Bennike O, Levy LB, Honsaker W.  2017.  Holocene climate and environmental history of East Greenland inferred from lake sediments. Journal of Paleolimnology. 57(4):321-341.
Mezgec K., Stenni B., Crosta X., Masson-Delmotte V., Baroni C., Braida M., Ciardini V., Colizza E., Melis R., Salvatore M.C et al..  2017.  Holocene sea ice variability driven by wind and polynya efficiency in the Ross Sea. Nature Communications. 8(1)
G. Lasher E, Axford Y, McFarlin JM, Kelly MA, Osterberg EC, Berkelhammer MB.  2017.  Holocene temperatures and isotopes of precipitation in Northwest Greenland recorded in lacustrine organic materials. Quaternary Science Reviews. 170:45-55.
Naranjo J.A., Singer B.S., Jicha B.R., Moreno H., Lara L.E..  2017.  Holocene tephra succession of Puyehue-Cordón Caulle and Antillanca/Casablanca volcanic complexes, southern Andes (40–41°S). Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 332:109-128.
Hemingway JD, Schefuß E, Spencer RGM, Dinga BJean, Eglinton TI, McIntyre C, Galy VV.  2017.  Hydrologic controls on seasonal and inter-annual variability of Congo River particulate organic matter source and reservoir age. Chemical Geology. 466:454-465.
Flores C.  2017.  Importance of small-scale paleo-oceanographic conditions to interpret changes in size of California mussel (Mytilus californianus). Late Holocene, Santa Cruz island, California. Quaternary International. 427, Part A:137-150.
Delano JE, Amos CB, Loveless JP, Rittenour TM, Sherrod BL, Lynch EM.  2017.  Influence of the megathrust earthquake cycle on upper-plate deformation in the Cascadia forearc of Washington State, USA. Geology. 45(11):1051-1054.
