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Naughton F., Keigwin L., Peteet D., Costas S., Desprat S., Oliveira D., de Vernal A., Voelker A., Abrantes F..  2015.  A 12,000-yr pollen record off Cape Hatteras — Pollen sources and mechanisms of pollen dispersion. Marine Geology. 367:118-129.
Naughton F., Keigwin L., Peteet D., Costas S., Desprat S., Oliveira D., de Vernal A., Voelker A., Abrantes F..  2015.  A 12,000-yr pollen record off Cape Hatteras — Pollen sources and mechanisms of pollen dispersion. Marine Geology. 367:118-129.
Roberts M.L, Culp R.A, Dvoracek D.K, Hodgins G.WL, Neary M.P, Noakes J.E.  2004.  The 14C AMS system at The University of Georgia. Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Accelerator Mass Spectrometry. 223-224:1-4.
Roberts M.L, Culp R.A, Dvoracek D.K, Hodgins G.WL, Neary M.P, Noakes J.E.  2002.  The 14C AMS system at the University of Georgia. International Conference on Accelerator Mass Spectrometry.
Roberts M.L, Culp R.A, Dvoracek D.K, Hodgins G.WL, Neary M.P, Noakes J.E.  2004.  The 14C AMS system at the University of Georgia. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. B 233-224(50-54)
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Fritz S.C, Baker P.A, Dwyer G.S.  2001.  A 160,000-year record of tropical climate variability from Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia. EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union. 80:757.
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Ryan W.BF, Pitman W.C, Major C.O, Shimkus K., Moskalenko V., Jones G.A, Dimitrov P., Gorur N., Sakinc M., Yuce H..  1997.  An abrupt drowning of the Black Sea shelf. Marine Geology. 138(1-2):119-126.
Thompson L.G, Mosley-Thompson E., Brecher H., Davis M., Leon B., Les D., Lin P.N, Mashiotta T., Mountain K..  2006.  Abrupt tropical climate change: past and present. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 103(28):10536-43.
Hughen K.A, Drenzek N., Bice M., Eglinton T.I.  2006.  Abrupt vegetation changes in tropical South America over the last 120,000 years. EOS Abstracts, 2006 Ocean Sciences Meeting.
Quintela M, Costa PJM, Fatela F, Drago T, Hoska N, Andrade C, Freitas MC.  2016.  The AD 1755 tsunami deposits onshore and offshore of Algarve (south Portugal): Sediment transport interpretations based on the study of Foraminifera assemblages. Quaternary International. 408, Part A:123-138.
Patrut A, Garnaud ébastien, Ka O, Patrut RT, Diagne T, Lowy DA, Forizs E, Bodis ő, von Reden KF.  2017.  African Baobabs with a Very Large Number of Stems and False Stems: Radiocarbon Investigation of the Baobab of Warang. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Chemia. 62(1):111-120.
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Andrews A.H., DeMartini EE, Eble JA, Taylor BM, Lou DChun, Humphreys RL.  2016.  Age and growth of bluespine unicornfish (Naso unicornis): a half-century life-span for a keystone browser, with a novel approach to bomb radiocarbon dating in the Hawaiian Islands. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 73(10):1575-1586.
