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B. V. Gaglioti, Mann, D. H., Wooller, M. J., Jones, B. M., Wiles, G. C., Groves, P., Kunz, M. L., Baughman, C. A., and Reanier, R. E., Younger-Dryas cooling and sea-ice feedbacks were prominent features of the Pleistocene-Holocene transition in Arctic Alaska, Quaternary Science Reviews, vol. 169, pp. 330 - 343, 2017.
B. V. Gaglioti, Mann, D. H., Wooller, M. J., Jones, B. M., Wiles, G. C., Groves, P., Kunz, M. L., Baughman, C. A., and Reanier, R. E., Younger-Dryas cooling and sea-ice feedbacks were prominent features of the Pleistocene-Holocene transition in Arctic Alaska, Quaternary Science Reviews, vol. 169, pp. 330 - 343, 2017.
P. J. K. Puleo, Masterson, A. L., Medeiros, A. S., Schellinger, G., Steigleder, R., Woodroffe, S., Osburn, M. R., and Axford, Y., Younger Dryas and early Holocene climate in south Greenland inferred from oxygen isotopes of chironomids, aquatic Moss, and Moss cellulose, Quaternary Science Reviews, vol. 296, p. 107810, 2022.
P. E. Newby, Killoran, P., Waldorf, M. R., Shuman, B. N., Webb, R. S., and Webb, III, T., Years of Sediment, Vegetation, and Water-Level Changes at the Makepeace Cedar Swamp, Southern Massachusetts, Quaternary Research, vol. 53, pp. 352-368, 2000.
P. E. Newby, Killoran, P., Waldorf, M. R., Shuman, B. N., Webb, R. S., and Webb, III, T., Years of Sediment, Vegetation, and Water-Level Changes at the Makepeace Cedar Swamp, Southern Massachusetts, Quaternary Research, vol. 53, pp. 352-368, 2000.
P. E. Newby, Killoran, P., Waldorf, M. R., Shuman, B. N., Webb, R. S., and Webb, III, T., Years of Sediment, Vegetation, and Water-Level Changes at the Makepeace Cedar Swamp, Southern Massachusetts, Quaternary Research, vol. 53, pp. 352-368, 2000.
M. Vermoere, Vanhecke, L., Paulissen, E., Waelkens, M., and Smets, E., Woodlands in ancient and modern times in the territory of Sagalassos, in Sagalassos VI. Report on the survey and excavation campaigns of 1998, 1999 and 2000, vol. 14, A. Archaeolog Monographiae, Ed. Leuven University Press, 2002.
U. M. Hanke, Reddy, C. M., Braun, A. L. L., Coppola, A. I., Haghipour, N., McIntyre, C. P., Wacker, L., Xu, L., McNichol, A. P., Abiven, S., Schmidt, M. W. I., and Eglinton, T. I., What on Earth Have We Been Burning? Deciphering Sedimentary Records of Pyrogenic CarbonWhat on Earth Have We Been Burning? Deciphering Sedimentary Records of Pyrogenic Carbon, Environmental Science & Technology, vol. 51, no. 21, pp. 12972 - 12980, 2017.
M. G. Winkler, Sanford, P. R., Cole, K. L., and Flakne, R. L., Western Great Lakes regional paleoenvironmental changes: island and inland contrasts, Ecological Society of America Bulletin, 1997.
M. G. Winkler and Sanford, P. R., Western Great Lakes Paleoecology Study. Report, National Biological Service Global Climate Change Initiative, 1997.
M. G. Winkler and Sanford, P. R., Western Great Lakes paleoecology study, global climate change initiative. In Holocene Paleoenvironments in Western Great Lakes Parks. Report, National Park Service & USGS Biological Resources Div., Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center, Columbia, Missouri, 1998.
C. M. Reddy, Eglinton, T. I., Hounshell, A., White, H. K., Xu, L., Gaines, R. B., and Frysinger, G. S., The West Falmouth oil spill after thirty years: the persistence of petroleum hydrocarbons in marsh sediments, Environ Sci Technol, vol. 36, no. 22, pp. 4754-60, 2002.
M. Blaauw, Wohlfarth, B., J. Christen, A., Ampel, L., Veres, D., Hughen, K. A., Preusser, F., and Svensson, A., Were last glacial climate events simultaneous between Greenland and France? A quantitative comparison using non-tuned chronologies RID E-4539-2011 RID A-2643-2010, Journal of Quaternary Science, vol. 25, no. 3, pp. 387-394, 2010.
T. Winkler, We're decoding ancient hurricanes' traces on the sea floor – and evidence from millennia of Atlantic storms is not good news for the coast, The Conversation, 2022. [Online]. Available: http://theconversation.com/were-decoding-ancient-hurricanes-traces-on-the-sea-floor-and-evidence-from-millennia-of-atlantic-storms-is-not-good-news-for-the-coast-186899.
N. G. Prouty, Cohen, A., Yates, K. K., Storlazzi, C. D., Swarzenski, P. W., and White, D., Vulnerability of Coral Reefs to Bioerosion From Land‐Based Sources of Pollution, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, vol. 122, no. 12, pp. 9319 - 9331, 2017.
P. J. Wallace, Volatiles in subduction zone magmas: concentrations and fluxes based on melt inclusion and volcanic gas data, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, vol. 140, no. 1-3, pp. 217-240, 2005.
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D. N. Simkus, Slater, G. F., Lollar, B. Sherwood, Wilkie, K., Kieft, T. L., Magnabosco, C., Lau, M. C. Y., Pullin, M. J., Hendrickson, S. B., K. Wommack, E., Sakowski, E. G., van Heerden, E., Kuloyo, O., Linage, B., Borgonie, G., and Onstott, T. C., Variations in microbial carbon sources and cycling in the deep continental subsurface, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, vol. 173, pp. 264 - 283, 2016.
X. C. Wang, Callahan, J., and Chen, R. F., Variability in radiocarbon ages of biochemical compound classes of high molecular weight dissolved organic matter in estuaries, Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science, vol. 68, no. 1-2, pp. 188-194, 2006.
A. L. Brady, Goordial, J., Sun, H. J., Whyte, L. G., and Slater, G. F., Variability in carbon uptake and (re)cycling in Antarctic cryptoendolithic microbial ecosystems demonstrated through radiocarbon analysis of organic biomarkers, Geobiology, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 62 - 79, 2018.
R. H. Smittenberg, Hopmans, E. C., Eglinton, T. I., Hayes, J. M., Whiticar, M. J., Schouten, S., and Damsté, J. S. Sinning, Validation of compound-specific 14C dating using the varved sedimentary record of Saanich Inlet, Canada, in Proceedings of the 20th international meeting on organic geochemistry, Nancy, France, 2001.
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