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Cronauer SL, Briner JP, Kelley SE, Zimmerman SRH, Morlighem M.  2016.  10Be dating reveals early-middle Holocene age of the Drygalski Moraines in central West Greenland. Quaternary Science Reviews. 147:59-68.
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Roberts M.L, Culp R.A, Dvoracek D.K, Hodgins G.WL, Neary M.P, Noakes J.E.  2002.  The 14C AMS system at the University of Georgia. International Conference on Accelerator Mass Spectrometry.
Roberts M.L, Culp R.A, Dvoracek D.K, Hodgins G.WL, Neary M.P, Noakes J.E.  2004.  The 14C AMS system at the University of Georgia. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. B 233-224(50-54)
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Richardson K.N.D., Hatten J.A., Wheatcroft R.A..  2018.  1500 years of lake sedimentation due to fire, earthquakes, floods and land clearance in the Oregon Coast Range: geomorphic sensitivity to floods during timber harvest period. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. 43(7):1496-1517.
