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McNichol A.P, Druffel E.RM, Lee C..  1991.  Carbon cycling in coastal sediments: 2. An investigation of the sources of CO2 to pore water using carbon isotopes. Organic Substances and Sediments in Water, Processes and Analytical. 2:249-272.
Dorion C.C.  1994.  Chronology, sedimentology, and faunal assemblages of glaciomarine sediments in Maine. Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs. 25(2):12.
Weddle T.K, Lowell T.V, Dorion C.C.  1994.  Glacial geology of the Penobscot River basin between Millinocket and Medway (Book Section). New England Intercollegiate Geological Conference Guidebook for Field Trips in North Central Maine. :193-212.
Druffel E.RM, Griffin S., Bauer J.E, Williams P.M, Wolgast D.M, Lee C..  1994.  Radiocarbon Studies of Particulate Organic Carbon in the Eastern North Pacific Ocean. 15th International Radiocarbon Conference, Glasgow, Scotland.
Druffel E.RM, Bauer J.E, Williams P.M, Griffin S., C. Wolgast L, Wakeham S.G.  1994.  Radiocarbon studies of particulate organic carbon in the eastern North Pacific Ocean. 1994 ocean sciences meeting. 75:236.
Gagnon A.R, McNichol A.P, Hutton D.L, Osborne E.A, Donoghue J.C.  1996.  Automated systems and techniques utilized at the NOSAMS sample preparation laboratory: An update of productivity and quality issues. Radiocarbon. 38(1):38-39.
Peltzer E.T, Fry B., Doering P.H, McKenna J.H, Norrman B., Zweifel U.L.  1996.  A comparison of methods for the measurement of dissolved organic carbon in natural waters. Marine Chemistry. 54(1-2):85-96.
Young S.R, Hoblitt R.P, Smith A.L, Devine J.D, Wadge G., Shepherd J.B.  1996.  Dating of explosive volcanic events associated with dome growth at Soufriere Hills volcano, Montserrat. Proceedings of the Special Symposium on Volcanism in Montserrat, Second Caribbean Conference on Natural Hazards and Hazard Management.
Donner J..  1996.  The early and middle Weichselian interstadials in the central area of the Scandinavian glaciations. Quaternary Science Reviews. 15(5-6):471-479.
Oppo D.W, Deiner L., Curry W.B, Norris R.D.  1996.  East Asian monsoon variations; linkage to northern hemisphere millenniallll-scale climate oscillations. Supplement to EOS. 77:19.
Eglinton T.I, Aluwihare L.I, Bauer J.E, Druffel E.R, McNichol A.P.  1996.  Gas chromatographic isolation of individual compounds from complex matrices for radiocarbon dating. Anal Chem. 68(5):904-12.
Darby D.ABischof.  1996.  Highly Variable Late Pleistocene and Holocene Sedimentation Rates In AMS C14-Dated Boxcores From the Central Arctic Ocean. EOS. 77(46):F307.
Whitmore T.J, Brenner M., Curtis J.H, Dahlin B.H, Leyden B.W.  1996.  Holocene climatic and human influences on lakes of the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico: An interdisciplinary, palaeolimnological approach. Holocene. 6(3):273-287.
Eglinton T.I, McNichol A.P, Benitez-Nelson B.C, Pearson A., von Reden K.F, Schneider R.J, Bauer J.E, Druffel E.RM.  1996.  Isolation of Individual Organic Compounds for AMS Radiocarbon Analysis -- A Novel Approach. 7th International Conference on Accelerator Mass Spectrometry. 38:26.
Eglinton T.I, McNichol A.P, Benitez-Nelson B.C, Pearson A., von Reden K.F, Schneider R.J, Bauer J.E, Druffel E.RM.  1996.  Isolation of Individual Organic Compounds for AMS Radiocarbon Analysis--A Novel Approach. Radiocarbon. 38(1):26.
Colinvaux P.A, DeOliveira P.E, Moreno J.E, Miller M.C, Bush M.B.  1996.  A long pollen record from lowland Amazonia: Forest and cooling in glacial times. Science. 274(5284):85-88.
Wills J.SC, Diamond W.T, Lewis R.A, Schmeing H., von Reden K.F, Schneider R.J.  1996.  Molecular breakup of CO2 and hold-up time in a microwave ion source.
